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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Lol happy to help! Yeah, nowadays it’s easy to hit a gig in data usage without even realizing you’ve used any at all. I wish the unlimited tier were cheaper. It feels like we have gotten to a point where we should be able to use GPS or do a Google search without considering a cost. Kinda feels like if anything, they should be paying us for allowing into our pocket this ever changing billboard that scrapes our metadata. But that’s unrealistic to get anyone else onboard with, so I’ll settle for free connectivity to knowledge in exchange for advertising and spying on me.

  • I’ve been on Google Fi for 3 or 4 years and it’s been pretty much flawless. I’ve traveled to Mexico and Spain with it, and there’s a sort of calibration period of like 30 minutes before you have service in another country, but that’s literally the only time I’ve been without service for any period of time. My wife and I are on it and use very little data, so covering both phones is typically about $60/month. We usually have 5G service around our home in northern VA.

    Proof of bill cost:

  • Because any country fighting a war on defense against aggressors/invaders knows that the path to winning is to hold strong, wait out the clock, and drain resources from the enemy. Something as essential as that will cause urgency to redirect resources and personnel to replace/repair and then better defend it so that it doesn’t just immediately happen again. This makes defense easier because there’s less of an offense while that’s happening. This also can cause internal loss of support since Russian citizens can see the costs of this going up. They will know people who were sent to die on the front lines. They will see taxes go up and availability of goods go down. Once Russian citizens start to question and criticize the campaign, there could be a snowball effect that ends with Putin and his cronies having to make a choice between stopping the invasion or losing power. I don’t think Putin will ever stop, so the real choice will be desperate attacks (which could include nukes, triggering article 5 and effectively ending Russia) or a coup. Putin has checkmated himself whether he is aware of it yet or not. His best case scenario at this point is dying of natural causes in office and leaving that hard decision to his successor who will probably back down and be a pariah for it, saving Russia in the process.

  • Trump signed an executive order to put it in place later. Biden on day one paused everything to vet whether it aligned with where he wanted to steer the country. He decided to not do that by something as flimsy as an executive order and made it a piece of a big bill that was signed into law, protecting it beyond the whims of a future president. Trump’s administration deserves credit for mobilizing it, but executive orders probably don’t have the teeth to actually make that idea come true and definitely are far from permanent. Now it is the law of the land, and that’s because it went through both parts of Congress and then was signed into law. It is indisputable that charging more for insulin is against the law, and this law was a textbook case of legislating constitutionally. Big pharma has no grounds for suing or not complying, but they might’ve if it were just an executive order.

  • Maybe I’m being optimistic, but I have to assume that since an adult is in the white house right now and since we know what happened on Jan 6, there will be significantly more resources in place to protect the Capitol and other government buildings around the country this upcoming January. Plus we’ve seen that the FBI got a bunch of them and charged, convicted, and sentenced them, so there’s some precedent to act as a deterrent now. The cultists may be fucking morons, but they’re also absolute goddamn cowards, so I don’t think they’ll try to “storm” shit that is obviously properly defended, especially when they know that they’ll probably be caught and go to prison for it. At least not thousands of them like last time. Maybe like 50 total will push through, but they ain’t even getting to the steps outside this time.

  • Depends on the day. If I dismiss outliers where it’s less than 20 minutes, my average is probably about 90 minutes based on checking my app history over the past few weeks. A good chunk of that is typing comments, sometimes looking up a good link to include. I usually swipe through while skimming posts and open comments for a post once in a while, occasionally adding a comment in there. I rarely post anything but comments.

    Today I’m at 35 minutes and probably mostly done for the day.

  • I think there’s not really a hard and fast expiration date. I think it’s more of a probability gradient which can skew from person to person. Career bounceback depends on industry, fitness, credentials, network, etc. Love life depends on personality, looks, intent, intelligence, sense of humor, stability, etc. A loser in their 40s can’t even really compete with somebody in their 60s who’s on top of their shit.

    I think that if you’re concerned about this, therapy and/or meditation might help you to get uncomfortable enough to identify aspects of yourself that need work to improve. Small changes can yield big advantages in terms of tackling specific goals. Everybody can benefit from therapy, so don’t let some weird stigma scare you out of getting the best out of life.

  • I think that if he’d just kept his mouth shut and not violated the gag order so many times, there’d be a 99.9% chance of no prison time. Because he kept attempting to intimidate people and will undoubtedly commit some sort of stochastic terrorism (again) as a result of the 34 guilty verdicts, now I’m not so sure. Were I a betting man, I’d say that’s down to about 50% with the other 50% being still pretty tame, probably 1-6 months imprisonment + probation. Because home confinement would actually be something of a reward for him, I’m really hoping that he doesn’t just get house arrest where he can watch TV, tweet, and order KFC all day every day.

    If the judge allows threats of violence to sway his decision, that’s literally letting the terrorists win. Do the right thing. If people act out as a result, so be it. They’ll get arrested and charged for their crimes next. My realistic expectation is an aggravated temper tantrum, not an assassination conducted with surgical precision. At worst, some gravy seals might shoot a few people, but probably just random civilians because they’re not smart enough to get to anybody specific.