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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • This is kind of necessary. You could open a store just selling Steam keys. You get Steam’s software distribution, installed user base, networking for free and pay nothing to them. Steam is selling all of those services for a 30% cut. Since your overhead is $0, you can take just a 1% fee and still turn a profit because Valve is covering 99% of your costs.

    Steam could disable keys or start charging fees for them. As long as they’re being this ridiculously generous and permitting publishers to have them for free, some limitation makes sense.

    I’m dubious, though. There must be a provision for promotional pricing. I’ve definitely bought keys for less than Steam prices.

  • Many of these features are required by law in the US for cars that have ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems). The car has to monitor what's happening and what it's doing and record some of that in case there's an accident. It also has to monitor your attentiveness so you don't "accidentally" drift off to sleep while it's in control.

    Imagine if his son were driving and got into a crash with ADAS enabled and there weren't any record of whose fault it was, the driver or the car. Ford would be like, "We'll, I guess we'll never know. Good luck with medical bills and a lifetime of suffering."

    Sounds like the speed limiter is a setting that can be disabled. As for the other stuff, sharing phone data, that's pretty disgusting. I would guess what they're actually after is whether you're watching the road or playing with your device. Still not okay without explicit consent before you buy the car.

  • I believe the post is specifically about long eyelashes, fake eyelashes.

    That said, my wife has worn makeup twice in 18 years. I love her for being herself, but I complimented her on how nice she looked those two times her sister did her makeup because I’m not a complete jerk and have some idea of how to be kind when someone has spent an hour trying to look nice. I also attempted to make it clear that I preferred her without makeup, maybe something along the lines of, “I love how naturally beautiful you are.”

    Just because some women consider men to be ignorant doesn’t mean we are.

  • The, "Everyone assumed roles were 100% different, but they were 100% the same, which really says something about you western people." is distasteful to me and factually incorrect. We can see what people who live and lived without technology and access to shared culture do. Generally, men hunted more and women cared for children more. The observation has been that women spend a portion of their lives pregnant and nursing, so men go out and do things that require them to be away. We haven't documented gender roles because preconceptions or because we're western, but through direct observation. Those observations of how people lived could be combined with our knowledge of wear patterns on bones to construct a better understanding of how roles may have been less distinct and how bones wear. The assertion that we have 100% confidence in perceiving people's entire lives by looking at bones and we can't trust anything anyone said before because they were all sexist… excuse me… had preconceptions is unhelpful.

  • Even small companies have to deal with, “supply chain”, attacks, criminals putting code into open source repositories to steal data and get access to servers. App stores are major targets too.

    There have been weather apps that need your location to show you weather and oops we also send your location history to our data center in China and sell that data.

    There have been, “document scanner”, apps that help you take pictures of things like credit card statements and did we not mention we send those images to Russian servers?

    Do use a major brand phone like Samsung, keep your OS up to date, and don’t expose private info to these apps or give them special privileges, especially, “accessibility”, or, “screen reader”, and you should be okay.