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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • First, shitting on folks who are new to left politics and (god forbid) harbor excitement for these new insights. At least we have folks leaving comments like this to grind that eagerness out of them.

    Christ on a pike, “enthusiastic about politics” is probably the worst thing you could ever be, it only leads to pie in the sky idiocy and utopianism.

    Yes, please let’s grind that down as fast as possible, politics is a pragmatic exercise like doing groceries and taking a shit, you shouldn’t be excited about it. The only people excited by politics are fanatics and zealots and we could do with a lot fewer of those on all sides right now.

    Then, it failed a narrow expectation you fully put on it. Maybe it was using an a medium to express an idea in a novel way. What a concept. Let’s call it Art. It can be something other than homework.

    Yeah, God forbid I use my experience of the medium to judge a piece of art.

    All this is, is a more biased, more cut down version of games like Papers, please, Not for Bradcast, or The Westport Independent, that doesn’t even use its gameplay loop to really give any direct experience of the issue it’s trying to showcase.

    Having played it until I got bored of it, the only feeling reinforced through the gameplay is “boy i wish I could read faster”.

    It doesn’t even leverage the idea that you need to send newspapers to print, allowing you to plan your front page to build a more coherent narrative, you literally just need to constantly swap articles in and out of the paper as if people’s copies would change in real time. It doesn’t account for the appearance of bias or conflicting interests between the parties you want to keep happy. It lacks nuance and a proper understanding of how to evoke what feeling through gameplay.

    So, yeah, I think it’s banal and aggressively poorly thought out, not even mediocre but genuinely bad. Are you going to argue otherwise or are you just gonna say I’m being too harsh or unfair?

    And before you highlight that this is free, so is The Westport Independent, and it’s been out for almost 10 years (god I feel old).

    But essentially saying “I’m above the target audience and it’s pointless”…cool, share something you made

    LOL I’m not about to dox myself to prove a stranger wrong, if you want to feel like you have successfully defended your point because you want to think I couldn’t have pulled this crap off, feel free to do so.

    My criticism stands on its own regardless of my own output or even of myself as a source for it.

  • Speaking as a huge fan of firefly, I’m not even gonna pretend that the writing doesn’t have a very specific set of issues, and that cancellation might have saved it from becoming aggressively mid and boring.

    If Serenity was more or less the intended ending to the season (specifically revealing the alliance actually created the reapers and are unequivocally villainous) I’m actually happy they didn’t get to put that in the show.

    Same for the Shepherd Book backstory comic where he was actually a brown coat double agent in the alliance, because god forbid we have to accept that your enemy isn’t ontologically evil.

    But the best criticism I’ve seen of Whedon is that all his dialogue has over time exceedingly forgone character voice in favour of funny quips.

    So much of his later production’s quotable lines are almost impossible to attribute correctly just from the lines themselves.

  • However much is intentionally inflammatory controlled opposition, it will never catch up to the work of people like Dworkin, Solanas, or more recently Julie Bindel.

    There are plenty of established, respected feminists, who you could never in a million years claim are a psyop, whose work is taught in academia on a regular basis and whose contents would immediately get me banned off of most social media platforms if I were to swap the genders they’re talking about and post an excerpt.

    And this is just the theory aspect.

    Let’s not forget the revolutionary additions to the legislative side of things like the primary caregiver standard, or the Duluth model for domestic violence.

    There is a reason “feminism” is not called “egalitarianism”.

    Yes more modern waves have put some token effort into at least presenting a path for men to improve their lot in society, but let’s be real, conservatives do that for women too, it’s hardly in good faith and it’s fundamentally useless because the focus of the ideology isn’t to improve the lot of everyone.

    It can’t be, because it starts from the presupposition that men’s lot is the best lot, and women’s needs to catch up to men’s.

    Even when it nominally factors in facts like men being expected to put themselves in harm’s way and die for society it also handily blames men for making the choices that, for instance, lead to war, and it implies that therefore it’s not as important because the fact that the person sitting at a desk sending men to get shot on the front lines also happens to have a penis somehow makes it less problematic.

    So yeah, there’s plenty to criticise.

    Feminism has some very valid complaints, hell, a lot even, but there’s also a shitton of reasons why your average man can look at your typical feminist and ask himself “why the fuck would I ever side with you?”