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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Here’s the problem, it’s a solution to a problem nobody had. Never once have I heard someone say “well it’s a solid phone but God I just wish it didn’t have that pesky 3.5mm headphone jack!” It’s just another feature stripped from the phone to clearly get you to buy more shit. I don’t want yet another damn thing I have to charge. I dont want to deal with keeping track of two tiny ass earbuds and if I lose one I gotta get a whole new pair. I don’t want to deal with the fact that now if I want to listen to wired I have to buy more shit like an adapter and if I lose those headphones, now I gotta buy another one of those along with new headphones. And I hate that if I do go wireless and lose them or they break, I can’t fall back on wired because it’s not even an option unless I happen to also have the adapter.

    It’s just another in a long line of clear middle fingers to consumers and it’s annoying. Does it like ruin the phone and the experience of a phone? Of course not. Is it a completely pointless pain in the ass with the obvious and sole purpose of funneling consumers into buying a cycle of products they almost definitely don’t need and don’t already have? Absolutely. And for that I say they can eat a big bag of crap.

  • This polarizing aspect of the whole thing has really confused me for this very reason as well as a few others. I think about it a lot like flat earth. In both cases the opponents or “deniers” for lack of a better term point largely to this like conglomerate corpo science-y entity that has a rooted financial interest in spreading these lies all for monetary gain. This idea that “big science” genuinely wants people to believe in a fake scenario of the earth’s clomate getting fucked by humans is so strange. And this works politically too.

    Like I don’t have any research to back this up but I’d bet my left ass cheek that the large majority of climate scientists AS WELL as climate progressive politicians would absolutely love there to be completely no issue with climate change. Given the choice, not having to worry at all about that for the present and future would just be a big load off every one’s plate. Now I’m sure there are some people that have a lot of their eggs in the renewable, green energy basket and could stand to gain prosperity from society moving in a green energy direction. There’s no doubt. But something tells me that they are more or less cancelled out by the amount of people who are already profiting or stand to profit more from petroleum based energy means.

    I just don’t get the whole realistic motive behind scientists and politicians pushing an agenda that they know to be false. Do people really think scientists don’t have anything better to do than just make stuff up? Genuinely? And it’s not like just a few of them. We’re talking well over 90% are pushing this fake agenda. That is complete and utter market saturation lol. I just can’t fathom how that would work. Just like the flat earth thing, what is there to gain from this for the large majority of these people? Like why?

  • This is what I’ve done since but I was inexperienced and naive the first couple states I lived lol. But they are relentless! Every single time I go they typically ask for email or phone so it’s happened where I’ll remember not to give it for most of the time but will randomly slip one day after donating cause I’m a moron. I’ve also had several places that somehow got my number and I swear I’ve never given it to them. I have no clue how they obtained it. Probably from my email or something. The place I’m currently at I have given a fake number and email so far and it seems to be working but they do ask to send confirmation emails for appointments which causes some issues so I’ve just been going when my wife goes and seeing if I can get in then or just make an appointment in person. I’m sure they’ll pry it out of me at some point 😄

  • The way I’m reading it (and I could absolutely be wrong here) but it sounds like he might be saying he has the money now thru hard work and tan lotion or whatever the hell. Not that he always had it. That would still cause problems but not nearly as much as if he is saying he always had it. Cause then he basically lied in court under oath which is obviously a no no.

    But if he’s saying he like hit the ground and made some shrewd genius business moves to raise the money quickly or something I don’t think that would cause a ton of problems. And I could easily see some moron rich people getting together and just giving him the money or something

  • The fact that whether or not I get medical care is almost completely determined by whatever insurance company I have at any given time is so depressing.

    I have thankfully been pretty healthy in my life but the few times I’ve actually needed help I have been told to go fuck myself pretty much every time by my insurance and since I’m not a millionaire I can’t afford anything that’s not covered. Don’t even get me started on the Russian roulette at the doctor’s office where anything can cost seemingly any amount at any time and no one has any damn clue until the bill’s arrived.

    So whether or not I need the help really doesn’t matter at the end of the day most times. All that matters is if the insurance company is feeling nice or not.

  • Kinda unrelated but holy balls did you see that Tucker Carlson crap in Russia? The interview and the several videos after that… It is the most blatant ridiculous propaganda I’ve seen in a long time and it’s strange. That combined with the crazy amount of Russian bots on those videos puts you in such a weird weird environment it’s crazy

    He even says

    “Coming to a Russian grocery store, the ‘heart of evil,’ and seeing what things cost and how they live, it will radicalize you against our leaders. That’s how I feel, anyway, radicalized.”

    Lmao usually they try to be just a smidge more sneaky with the propaganda