• 4 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • Yes, with a house and just you and your mom, it’s doable. Even with a car, it’s doable. Why? Because it’s been done before (so parts are already made, how to guides, etc), not an entire planet of 8 billion people AND a completely new series of issues we have to engineer around and can’t fuck up or we all literally die. We also don’t have the time (like we are out of time) to implement much.

    I think trying to fix it is completely imperative. I simply don’t believe it will get fixed. It should be fixed, yes, imo - but I doubt it will be. Partially because our government isn’t taking serious action to do so. Partially because every environmental scientist, environmental engineer, biologist, ecologist, I know is extremely depressed or suicidal.

    The worst thing that would happen if you didn’t fix up that house, is that you’d be living in bad conditions but not unlivable ones. The amount of dissociation people have from the seriousness of what’s going on around us is stunning. I assume a profound lack of education about the environment or biology. Things are bad.

  • Maybe, but we’re getting into a classic discussion about nihilism here when it comes to doomerism - if nothing matters, how should I feel? Depressed, or finally free to do whatever since it doesn’t matter anyway?

    The reality is:

    As of 2021, according to SRI, we had already gone beyond the safe limit for five of these planetary boundaries: • climate change; • biogeochemical flows (i.e., excessive phosphorus and nitrogen pollution from fertilizer use); • biosphere integrity (e.g., extinction rate and loss of insect pollination); • land-system change (e.g., deforestation); • and novel entities (e.g., pollution from plastics, heavy metals, and what are commonly referred to as “forever chemicals”).

    In an April 2022 update, SRI found that a portion of a sixth planetary boundary – fresh water use – had also been crossed. In addition, in a June 2021 interview with the journal Globalizations, Dr. Will Stefan of SRI said that a seventh planetary boundary had also likely been crossed: ocean acidification (one that has been theorized as a key contributor to previous mass extinction events in geologic history). One other boundary has been too uncertain to judge: atmospheric aerosols from fine particle pollution caused by fossil fuel combustion. Yet, we are clearly pushing this boundary too, when considering that air pollution from burning fossil fuels has been blamed for 8.8 million deaths worldwide per year.

    If a used car salesman said, “just get this baby a new engine, new transmission, new brakes, tires, and new radiator and she’ll be perfect!” Would you buy the car or trust that’s everything wrong with it? Or would you assume it’s “as is” or worse?

    Best case scenario, we put up a gigantic aluminum or whatever space blanket in space to reflect a certain percentage of the sun’s energy to buy us some time. But it doesn’t appear to be happening.

    Because the rich genuinely think they are immune to the laws of science. Look at the Titanic sub - they will bet their own lives on their hubris. Including with the planet.

  • some of which indicate the absence of select known fungal toxins and compounds such as the hallucinogen psilocybin and cannabinoids.

    ‘Some of which’ sounds like perhaps some reports indicated the presence.

    Let’s agree to disagree. There are clearly numerous people itt “having a stroke” because they all thought these mushrooms were psychoactive after reading the article. That’s bad writing. It’s a bad piece. It is what it is. We don’t all do our best work on everything. But if she’s supposed to be informing us, she failed.

  • I used “articles” as a synonym to the word “reports” in the quoted text.

    The company’s literal website (linked in the article) has an FAQ that states this, which is where I got the info. The author should’ve done better. She should’ve stated that psilocybin isn’t in the original recipe.


    No they do not! Our Diamond Shruumz products are meticulously crafted with a proprietary blend of natural ingredients. There is no presence of psilocybin, amanita or any scheduled drugs, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience. Rest assured, our treats are not only free from psychedelic substances but our carefully crafted ingredients still offer an experience. This allows you to indulge in a uniquely crafted blend designed for your pleasure and peace of mind.

    Further, read this thread. There are numerous comments from users who are confused what these bars are made of. Doesn’t seem like good reporting to me.