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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Yes, you need a microphone, and allow them access to your bank account. If you didn’t smile, vocally approve AND purchased the ad content you will be punished by 12 tripple ads instead of 4 double. Saying anything bad about Google or YouTube and you will get an automatic double priced Premium subscription for 6 months. This effect stacks. It will also not give you less ads. Refusing to watch any video on YouTube anymore will cost you your first born child.

  • "We didn’t detect a Webcam on your device. You can only watch videos on devices with a Webcam. Do you want Premium*? Click here for only 29,99 per month.

    *With Premium you also only can watch videos on devices with a Webcam"

    This is only 2025, a year later they also want a list of the people you love the most so they can kidnap one to demand you buy Premium, which will mean they will get you premium looking ads instead of shitty looking ads.

  • I recently read a post of someone saying he loves fucking with people by going on forums commenting on unsolved issues “I managed to solve it! Finally!” without saying how nor never replying to people asking what he did. So you might have seen him.

  • Ok so I’m not moving for the coming 10 years for sure, and if I’m moving it probably won’t be Mexico. But the climate change thing is something I worry about. I live in the Netherlands, most parts are below sea level. The dykes are being reinforced, but the plans for now are finished in about 10 years and won’t be high and strong enough in about 5 years, so we need to start to reinforce it even more 5 years before the current plans are being completed. At the same time ground water levels are getting lower, so trees are unable to get water from the ground and die, so the roots will die too and won’t be able to hold the ground together. It’s getting harder and harder pumping drinking water from the ground. Next to that, salt seawater is normally held back in the ground by the ground water, but because it’s level is getting lower while the sea level is rising, salt seawater is making it’s way into the ground, killing more greenery because it’s polluting the groundwater and making it undrinkable. So I may be forced to move, as well as most inhabitants here if this shit continues. 10 to 12 million people forced to relocate due to lack of water AND too much water at the same time. Weird AF.

  • I need to spend that much for basics, like food and a roof over my head. I’m basically a slave, I need to work most of my life without being able to build up anything. No saving, buying a house, etc.

    But I’m aware I live in one of the wealthiest countries, where I do not have to fear anything no matter where I go. I’m aware I’m extremely lucky to have been born here. I’ve seen how life can be different, when I went on deployment to the Middle East and Africa. I’ve been to horrible places and have seen horrible things.

    But life here is extremely expensive. We make more money, but in the end we have nothing left after we payed all the bills to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. I don’t have much to lose, as I’m depressed AF, alone as my wife left me, stuck with PTSD from when I was in the military, unable to enjoy life anymore somehow. So a holiday in Mexico where I snort loads of cocain with a bunch of hookers before I get robbed and killed doesn’t sound so bad really.