You are giving them too much credit if you think they can take measurements and conduct research.
You are giving them too much credit if you think they can take measurements and conduct research.
I can sudo. Last time I looked into this, Memtest86+ version 6 was required to work with UEFI but it wasn’t available for Ubuntu 22.04. Now it seems that 24.04 has it, so I might update and see if I can get the test running. Thanks for the suggestion!
I can’t run memtest unfortunately. The option isn’t there and I don’t have permission to boot from a USB stick.
I do have an interview scheduled, just saying…
It wouldn’t affect boot though.
I just did that! Brilliant idea, thanks!
That’s a good idea. If I can get it to boot today, I will check the logs, thanks!
It’s not hard to reproduce, but it’s annoying that when they finally came here to check it, no problems happened. I had to bug them so much to even get them to have a look.
I am upvoting you for being an honest money-grubber.
Brazilian. I only take one shower/day unless it's very hot, then it's two. I don't think I ever took three showers/day. But bear in mind that the climate is very different depending on where you live in Brazil.
Carl Sagan - A Demon-Haunted World. Explains the key difference between a scientific vs religious mindset.
It just keeps a copy.
Imagine turning to Reddit for deep stuff. Specific hobbies I understand, but depth …
I can’t believe no one mentioned this yet. I hope OP reads this comment. The first step is to make sure this new computer you want to buy is compatible with Linux. Otherwise your experience will be very frustrating, no matter what distro you choose. That is, if you can install any distros at all. Ask the vendor if this machine is compatible with Linux.
This. No one would buy an arbitrary computer and expect MacOS to run on it, for example. Buy a computer with known Linux support. Ask the vendor.
The newer one is a lot funnier though.
Every popular sub on Reddit is the same four questions or topics posted over and over again. It is like users are unable to read any previous posts. I’ve seen old time users writing basically the same comment on multiple posts for years, and then new people would come and ask the same bloody question again. This convinced me to never post anything of value on Reddit. It just drowns in a sea of comments and will never be read again.
I did run a similar test and there were no errors detected. Thanks anyway!