“When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.”
“The brutally honest care more about the brutality than the honesty.”
“Reasonable people can disagree reasonably.”
I can’t live up to those ideals but it would be cruel to myself and others to stop trying to.
Thank you, that makes sense. I wasn’t sure if the sleep deprivation was just making me (more of) an idiot.
Logically, if he treats the sex worker right, with no demanding, no (non negotiated/sane) violence, and his actions don’t extend into monogamous relationships, and his views on future sexual partners are neither transactional nor cruel, it should be fine.
Emotionally would likely be a different story for the partner, or at least for me. Partly due to the stigma attached to sex work, and partly due to feelings of inadequacy or worry about needing to perform unwanted acts, and partly due to a suspicion that that really would affect his views, because people’s thoughts and feelings are messy, sprawling things that don’t fit into the mental cabinets we stuff them into. But if the partner couldn’t get over that, then they’re not for him.
And yes, this applies to women who pay for sex workers, too. Or at least it damn well should.
I can’t be the only one who can’t parse this sentence.
I’m sorry, can you rephrase this? I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.
Running for president as a 3rd party is like proposing marriage to random strangers instead of, y’know, dating people. We all know you’re doing it for attention because it’s not going to work.
What you’ve said is true, but it doesn’t negate my point: the frustration felt by locals dealing with entitled tourists demanding their language be accommodated. The US doesn’t have a similar problem to Spain on that front.
There isn’t a large influx of Spanish speaking tourists who demand that the locals speak in their language in the US. This is more akin to a shopkeeper blaring speakers with high pitched tones that only teenagers can hear.
Uh, check their post history. You may not want to engage with them.
Unfortunately the Republican party has been basically fucked throughout my entire life, and it still manages to slouch towards Washington.
Third time’s the charm?
I don’t agree that the reaction to what rightwingers say is so thoughtlessly contrary. In my experience, the reaction is usually “…huh, not what I expected, but okay. Oh, wait, THAT’S the reason they hate it? Nevermind…”
That’s a good point, and you’re right that I’m conflating them.
What other elements of AI would you imagine would be useful here?
Given that the AI we have is prone to making things up because it “fits” according to the models it trains on, how much faith would you have in a translation done by an AI on writings made by people who lived millennia before said language models were developed?
My cat is deaf, so there have been a number of “Oh! It’s you!” startled “mrrrrAAAAAs” directed at me when I come around a corner.
She’s quite talkative, with lots of greeting (and aforementioned startled) trills and meows that can range from normal level to “causes ear bleeds at close range” level.
Ranked choice voting is like the little brother of March Madness brackets, and plenty of people take part in that every year.
This is entirely about wanting to force strategic voting so as to not lose power for the mainstream within their own party.
Whoda thunk the difference between current me and successful me is a hatred of sniffly noses and a preference for sci-fi.
It’s amazing how so many MBAs can tank a business. I’m seeing the same thing in my organization: as the number of people who have ever worked in the field decreases relative to the MBAs, things get worse, in both cultural and functional ways.
Be careful, next they’ll argue that since you could theoretically get a paper cut from the foil wrapper that it’s a safety risk and needs to be reevaluated.