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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • The water infrastructure was nationalised decades ago. Each reason has a single private company that maintains the pipes, supply, treatment etc. to everyone in that area. Being private companies, the execs have been getting massive bonuses while dumping raw sewage into public waterways recently. And why? Because as someone else here said: after Brexit, the government got rid of the environmental laws saying they couldn’t. And when you’re a monopoly in your area, are you going to spend money on treating water you don’t have to, or give that money to the shareholders?

    It’s a fucking disgrace, a lot of people should go to prison for it and the whole system should be renationalised. But then people in government would lose money, and we can’t have that now, can we?

  • I genuinely don’t understand the mind of an undecided American voter.

    There are only two choices in the real world. Sure, it would be lovely to have a third party candidate. But there isn’t one. Voting third party just drains votes from Biden or Trump.

    And… they are not comparable. At all. There’s no “both sides” to this election. There’s “definitely not perfect” Biden, or “human shit stain with no redeeming characteristics” Trump.

    What is the undecided voter waiting for? Trump to do something even worse? To owe even more than half a billion dollars in fines? Biden to suddenly break bad and try and catch up to Trump’s 91(?) criminal counts in four separate prosecutions?

    I don’t get it.