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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Okay when you blatantly lie like that. I know there’s no reasoning with you. It’s like when Trump supporters refused to admit when he’s lied about something. You just told me something about third party candidates but also told me they don’t exist. You’re clearly contradicting yourself and you clearly know better.

    3rd party candidates clearly do exist. Third party candidates have even won elections in this country. I’ll admit it’s been a long time. Do you realize the primary obstacle third parties face is the very mentality you’re exhibiting? If we don’t organize and try to actually do better, we will never do better.

    I don’t think speaking with you will be productive, so this will probably be my last message to you. Good luck dude✌️😎

  • Sure!

    For starters the United States does not have a popular vote. The last two Republicans to win a presidential election did so while losing the popular vote. Every vote literally does not count.

    If everyone who used Lemmy decided to or not to vote in this election, it probably wouldn’t change anything unless most of us are in the same swing state.

    So when you said the original commenter not voting makes your vote count more. It’s literally not the case. Unless by some miracle you live in the same gerrymandered district of the same swing state.

  • Coalition: an alliance for combined action, a temporary alliance of political parties(plural) forming a government or of states.

    So you’re incorrect there.

    By the definition you seem to be implying than every political party is a coalition because there are multiple people in them and people don’t have hive minds… So that’s kind of irrelevant and worthless.

    Moving on, let’s focus on the Sinema thing. Pretending to be left-wing is the thing I’m talking about! Democrat or Republican all of these politicians do what they’re paid to do. When team dumb, looks like they’re finally about to score a point, we’re always going to lose just enough people that we don’t quite have the vote. Because that’s what the people that pay them to do their job tell them to do.

    This idea that we have to back the Democrats because otherwise the Republicans will get in. I get it. Republicans are blatantly fascist instead of secretly fascist . They do horrible s*** and make stuff worse all the time. I hate them too.

    But it’s also what the Democrats want. Have you heard of the pied Piper strategy? If not, I implore you to stop arguing with my asshole self and Google it. If you don’t want to do that, I’ll summarize it briefly for you. The Democrats literally send money to the most far-Right candidates in order to scare people into voting for them. They know about this trap and they want us constantly caught in it so nothing can get better.

    The Democrat and Republican parties are Siamese twins. They are attached at the hip. One cannot survive without the other.

    That’s my best attempt to get through to you dude. I’m not going to respond after this✌️

  • This is fucking asinine. How do you possibly think that anyone who would vote for kanye West or RFK would otherwise be Biden voters you dummy. Do you not understand that the Nazis in the vaccine conspiracy heads are all conservatives, who would vote for Trump?

    The third party candidates you have to worry about stealing votes from only Biden or Jill Stein Dr. West and Claudia de Lacruz. So congrats you got Jill Stein right. Now compare the share of the vote. RFK is getting compared to Jill Stein and the others. Dumbass.

    This insane worldview where anything that’s not a vote for Biden is a vote for Trump is fucking crazy and it’s why no one likes neoliberals.

  • I understand what you were trying to say. It’s just silly and well wrong. Vegans have never tried to justify any atrocity on the scale of what the White supremacists or christofascists have.

    Having an opinion that’s extreme or different from others doesn’t make you bad. That’s a silly thing to think. What makes you bad is doing bad things. Sure, people that do bad things need to justify them to themselves. I agree there.

    However what large-scale atrocities have vegans or vegetarians committed that makes you think that they are like these other groups? If you don’t have an answer for that, you’re saying something silly and stupid.

    Do you see it’s a two-part thing? Horrible atrocity plus internal justification. All you have on vegans is that they have a different morals than you. They’re not using those different morals to justify atrocities. Understand?