Trans woman - 9 years HRT

Intersectional feminist

Queer anarchist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • There’s not a lot of genocides that are entirely ignored historically speaking. Loads of nations who deny them, and use propaganda machines to spread disinformation about them, but global scale denial is not really possible.

    Genocidal acts are not dependent on the scale of those actions. What matters is the acts themselves and the intent behind them. The context of the situation in which those actions occur is also a consideration. But we recognize thousands of genocides throughout modern history. The Armenian Genocide is the progenitor of modern conceptions of Genocide, but the term is retroactively applied to lots of historical cases of ethnic cleansing.

    The actions Israel is taking are and have been genocidal. This situation is not new. Israel has massacred Palestinians en mass for nearly 80 years. They are taking systematic actions to kill Palestinians, to disrupt their way of life, to destroy their culture, to grass their history, to steal their land and their homes, to mass incarcerate them, to mass sterilize them, to forcefully relocate them, and to cause mass scale healthcare emergencies by way of starvation and dehydration under prolonged siege and blockade. These are all very common actions under imperialist colonial regimes.

    This is a genocide. The only reason there is pushback on that is because the nation in question is Israel. If this happened elsewhere in the middle east there would be 0 hesitation to label it as genocide. The existence of a terrorist organization does not provide justification for genocide and ethnic cleansing.

  • This is offensively uninformed and misguided. Giving your very life to protest the way your people are being oppressed, how your people are being slaughtered, is maybe one of the most heroic things you can do. It’s wrong that these people felt they had to give their lives. Not that they did. If we lived in a just world, people wouldn’t have to martyr themselves to draw attention to genocide.

    The suicide letter you’re referencing in the first paragraph has literally nothing to do with the subject of this post or my previous comment. You’re trying to conflate suicidal attempts and ideation from mental health problems with martyrdom. They’re not the same thing. And I know that you know that, and you conflating self-immolation to protest genocide with suicide over peer rejection is disgusting on both sides.

    “To advance a political or military agenda of an organization” is such a wild misunderstanding of why Thích Quảng Đức died that I’m almost convinced you skimmed the article just to find out if what he did was effective without even glancing at why he did it. If you’re going to look him up, I gave his name so you could do, have the decency to learn why he died.

    His self-immolation was actually a defining moment at the end of the Diệm government. Him and his peers were absolutely successful in drawing international attention to what was being done to buddhists in South Vietnam, and the picture taken of him burning is one of the most famous pictures ever taken.

  • How is ensuring his message is heard celebrating suicide? Are you saying it’s better if we ignore this message that he felt so strongly about as to literally end his life? What in God’s name are you trying to say? He ended his life in an act of protest against the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The idea that we should not respond to that is genuinely offensive. Your description of him as scared and lonely without even knowing him is also genuinely offensive.

    I have lost friends to suicide. I myself have been suicidal. I don’t know anyone who ended their lives by committing acts of self immolation in front of a genocidal colonial nation’s consulate.

    What about the Vietnamese monks who self immolated in protest of the persecution of buddhists in South Vietnam? Thích Quảng Đức was one of them. His action is regarded as heroic. It would be offensive to suggest that his message in death not be remembered. It would also be offensive to suggest that he killed himself for some other reason. As though there’s no conceivable motivation someone could have for taking their own life other than mental health problems.

  • I can understand how it would seem that way. My partner and I both have experienced sexual violence, and we both prefer this way. Even when we talk about it out aloud, we usually say “r.” It’s not that I can’t say the word rape. In some contexts, using the actual word is warranted. It’s just a word I kind of hate. That evokes trauma and pain. People say it all the time too and it’s hard not to hear it and remember that you’ve been a victim before too. That word has a different meaning when it becomes personal, or at least in my experience it does. So I say r instead. I’m not proposing this as some kind of sweeping change across society to stop saying rape. I just prefer not to say it.

  • The only just answer to Israel is decolonization. I’m not deluded enough to believe that will happen. The least we can fucking expect of politicians is to stop arming genociders and stop funding them. For fucks sake you’re talking about the systematic mass murder of children. The time for grand geopolitical lines is gone. What the fuck is the point of the international political community at all, if it can’t or won’t do anything about a genocider in their midst?

    No. I expect more, and the fact that so many don’t is entirely the problem.

  • This endless “they’re not as bad as GOP” with regards to an ongoing genocide is so fucking disgusting. They’re mass murdering fucking children. They’re creating a famine and large scale humanitarian crisis as Palestinians are crammed into an ever smaller area with continuously less food and water.

    The only appropriate response is unyielding international condemnation and a demand that Israel withdraw entirely from the Gaza strip and the west bank. There’s no such fucking thing as “not as bad as __” when they’re still supporting a god damn genocide.

    What the fuck is the matter with everyone??

    Edit: not sure where anyone is getting that I’m saying to vote for Republicans. Never fucking said that. What I said is:

    There’s no such fucking thing as “not as bad as __” when they’re still supporting a god damn genocide.

    On the subject of the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people, and on the ongoing support for a fucking colonial settler state, Democrats and Republicans both are in support. The democratic party is in favor of funding a fucking genocide. There’s no moral high ground the Democrats are taking here. They’re fucking genociders. And damn them for that.

  • “…not at all clear other kings would have done any different…”

    Is that the standard now? Comparison? He is still unbelievably evil even by comparison to other evil people.

    Him and the dynasty he created were one of the most destructive forces in human history and resulted in the horrific deaths of millions of people. By many metrics, they practiced genocide and ethnic cleansing on conquered populations. They destroyed the books of captured people’s and places of worship. They’re also well known for having destroyed farmland and aqueducts to starve out massive numbers of people. They were butchers. Mass murderers on a skill the world had never seen at that time. He erased entire civilizations from history, ones that we still barely know anything about.