• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • It’s almost as if people pointed out that raising the minimum wage will result in higher costs for everything and thus raising the cost of living.

    Hey you get a hundred more bucks a week? Guess what your rents going up fifry dollars a week.

    Sounds great but groceries rise cost twenty more a month because they are paying their people more. Gas goes up… And everything else costs “just a bit more” because of rising costs for the new minimum wage.

    Maybe the solution isn’t to get more money but stop acting like everyone who decides to move to California deserves a charmed life. In the supply and demand metric for jobs California seems to be fine with increasing the supply of workers with out realizing that has caused most of the problems we have. Sorry but just like the game industry until people stop wanting to come out to California with out a job lined up ultimately there’s going to be problem.

    Btw I’m definitely not talking about immigration with this I’m talking about someone from Kansas deciding to come out to California for what ever reason, something not working and then bitching that they can’t stay here on a minimum wage salary and afford a single room apartment.

    Maybe if that’s the case going back to Kansas which has a better cost of living is a better choice than trying to live in a city or state with the highest cost of living?

    Not everyone has to leave to fix this but until at least some people leave the scale will continue to tip against everyone in the state because the surplus of people only raise the supply on people looking for jobs, raise the demand on housing which increase rent and this will continue until this idea that there’s a guaranteed perfect Californian life exists for anyone who comes out here is dead

  • I agree, I just was making a joke. It’s a conspiracy until you realize it’s a fact. MK-ULTRA, Government spying on you (which time? ) , Big tobacco hiding that cigerettes cause cancer, Stacks of ET games are buried in New Mexico, even dark stories like the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments were all conspiracy theories at one time. Sadly they all turned out to be true.

  • It’s not for the courts to decide.

    Ok, so hey, Biden said something that sounded seditious… I guess we’ll bar him from running for office… oh don’t worry about it, just trust me he said it…

    See why it IS a matter for the courts and not just something random people should be allowed to decide? Or again, do you want this to be wielded as a weapon in the next election against politicians you favor… Because it will. Legally prove him guilty before banning him, otherwise you look like he’s something to fear, and that will only bring more support to his side… but hey, you know I’m sure this will ONLY matter this one election and never be used again or weaponized… That’s exactly how things like this work, right?.. right?

  • Yeah… This would be one of the worst things possible.

    The idea you could take someone to court to disqualify them means you’re allowing the courts into politics.

    But hey I already see people here celebrating this because “Fuck Trump” Right? Yet don’t see they’re creating a new loaded gun that can be turned against them in the next election…

    And before someone says “Four cases”… any bar would be able to be met by a politically motivated group, but again you do you, just realize shit like this has long lasting repercussions.

  • We’re getting close to that with calls for different streamers to “take over” a show that failed on one. We’ve also seen streamers like Netflix take on cable’s failures.

    Pretty much waiting for Disney to do a direct continuation of the original marvel MCU shows, though they kind of are doing that with Daredevil, though dropping much of that show’s characters.

  • Kinglink@lemmy.worldtointernet funeral@lemmy.worldconvenience
    1 year ago

    Though I think the core reason cable sucked was that it was a subscription with mandatory minimum periods, like a year or whatever.

    You can “think” anything, but that wasn’t a thing for most places I lived, nor a big problem. But if you’re going to make up your own problem and say it doesn’t exist now, ok.

  • I wonder if this is just a Hail Mary to try to stop the fear that the merger will make Microsoft the most dominant face in streaming.

    Even if it’s agreed upon, it just means in two generations once internet speeds reach where they need to be for streaming to be feasible, Microsoft will get those rights back. Streaming means next to nothing today, but the fear is in a couple generations, that’s going to be the future of gaming, especially seeing how much publishers want to stop gamers from owning anything.

  • There’s certain secrets which can never be revealed.

    Imagine if America somehow caused the death of Queen Elizabeth ( as far as I know there’s no evidence of this just an example.) It would take centuries for it be ok to reveal this with out ruining American English relations. This is intended as just a thought experiment to see how bad a country would take it.

    And if you think “Nah they don’t have anything that bad.” The way America has fucked over the world with it’s KNOWN foreign policy… there’s 0 chance that we don’t have many many many skeletons in our closet. I guarantee we’ve assassinated people. Potentially Leaders (no matter what Carter said). I guarantee we’ve interfered with elections, or even fully rigged elections. We’ve probably handed over dangerous weapons to countries. We’ve almost certainly done devastating things to multiple people in the world.

    And think of everything we’ve done to our own people. Just think of what we HAVE admitted. The Tuskegee Experiments? That’s what we HAVE admitted to. I’m guarantee as well that’s not the worst thing our government has done to their own citizens. I mean imagine if we find out the FBI threatened the president, or actually did kill Kennedy or even just any involvement in that? Holy shit, there’s “Think something happened” And there’s “Know something happened”… that’s not getting revealed.

    Should we have an automatic sunset for classified documents? Sure. Should we stop doing awful shit? Yes. But my god, the amount of skeletons in our closet and what will happen when it’s all out in the open… it won’t be released. Hell I’m willing to bet there’s thing that aren’t even shared with the president (Maybe because he doesn’t know what to ask for or they flat out wouldn’t share it with him. There are limitations to what is shared with a president, for instance an investigation into him.)

    Or maybe all classified documents will accidentally be destroyed in a fire the day before they’re to be released. OOPS!