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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I also got a purple pillow on a friend’s recommendation. I’m a really hot sleeper, and a side sleeper, so I need a lot of pillow and it was hard finding both of those things in one pillow for me. It’s been great, I like it a lot. The main downsides are it’s heavy as shit (the pillow probably weighs like 8kg, it’s wild), the weird rubbery texture takes some getting used to, and the little mats they give you that go under the pillow to make it taller get bunched up if you move the pillow too much.

    Other than those minor complaints, I’ve really loved it. It stays very cool, while still being springy and contouring.

    I haven’t really experimented with other pillowcases, but I have been meaning to, if anyone knows of something nice.

  • Yeah, the annoying thing is the people who I generally have found to be the worst about stuff like this are old school Senior C developers, who still program like it’s 1987 and we have to fit everything into 4K of RAM.

    Fortunately there’s nothing like that in my code base, I just run into stuff like that periodically when I’m digging around in other team’s server code looking for something.

  • My personal code readability axe to grind is nested complex ternary operators.

    Every now and then I’ll see something like this

    return (checkFormatType(currentObject.type==TYPES.static||currentObject type==TYPES.dynamic?TYPES.mutable:TYPES.immutable)?create format("MUTABLE"):getFormat(currentObject));

    And I have a fucking conniption because just move that shit into a variable before the return. I get it when sometimes you just need to resolve something inline, but a huge amount of the time that ternary can be extracted to a variable before the ternary, or just rewrite the function to take multiple types and resolve it in the function.

  • I think what it comes down to for me personally about McCain is that even though I disagreed with a lot of his politics, I do genuinely believe he cared about the country and the people in it, and generally speaking he did what he honestly thought was best for them.

    We can criticize the relative purity of every politician until we're blue in the face, but honestly the one overriding characteristic I think it's fair to demand of every elected official is that they're honestly working in good faith for the betterment of the country. As long as that's true I have no deep-seated issue with them.

  • Senators Glenn and McCain were cleared of having acted improperly but were criticized for having exercised "poor judgment".

    Keating and DeConcini were asking McCain to travel to San Francisco to meet with regulators regarding Lincoln Savings; McCain refused.[7][11] DeConcini told Keating that McCain was nervous about interfering.[7] Keating called McCain a "wimp" behind his back, and on March 24, Keating and McCain had a heated, contentious meeting.[11]

    The regulators then revealed that Lincoln was under criminal investigation on a variety of serious charges, at which point McCain severed all relations with Keating.[7]

    I'm all for shitting on McCain for some of the questionable takes he's had in his life, but I don't think this is the obvious "he's corrupt" politician mic drop you think it is.