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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2023


  • I think what really kicked this off is that restaurants started putting surcharges on bills by directly passes specific legal requirement costs directly to the customers without increasing their menu prices. For example, now that servers get some health benefits in SF, they’ll have a surcharge that says something like “SF Mandate” or “SF Health Surcharge”.

    This would also cover stuff like to go order surcharges where some places are charging more for takeout sort of like Doordash or Grubhub do, except of course, you’re picking it up yourself.

    I do wonder how/if places with some more traditional surcharges are going to comply now. For example pizza places charging delivery fees.

    Places will still be able to get away with “X% gratuity added to bill for Y seats (though I’ve seen some places do it for any number of people, including 1)” because that’s optional, even if they put it on your bill because you’ve always been able to make them remove it.

    It is like on most people’s cell phone bills in the US. You’ll see stuff like “FCC surcharge” which is the company passing their FCC regulatory fees directly to the customer without changing their advertised prices for a plan, E911 fees for 911 services, various taxes levied on the company but not the consumer are also passed to the customer.

    The purpose is to have restaurants take these fees/taxes/whatever and make them build those costs of doing business directly into their advertised pricing on their menus. Companies don’t like this because they can advertise cheaper prices and psychologically the customer doesn’t usually think or even know about the extra surcharges, companies can set those surprise charges to whatever they want (they aren’t regulated) and they do not have to really compete with those prices wherever they advertise (menus, flyers, etc.) thus driving them down for the consumer.

  • I see some comments recommending wordpress but wordpress is a security problem, especially if you’re using 3rd party plugins. It is such a bad problem that their are ‘wordpress security’ applications but even then wordpress sites get hacked all the time. If you are going to use it, it is best to let some other host handle it for you if you don’t know a whole lot about what you’re doing.

    There are many, many other content management systems out there. Some are lighter than wordpress and some heavier. They are all about posting and managing content. Most of them have some sort of user and authoring system. Once you’re webserver is set up, many are written in a mixture of php and python so setting them up is generally drag and drop with either minor configuration file edits or wizards. Many of them have sections that you can set up using a labeling/tagging system. Most of them allow you to have the ‘stories’ as private or draft where you have to actually click publish before people can view them. Some have user roles systems where you can limit viewing and even editing between different roles for sections.

    Generally, once their setup is done, they are point and click to do everything.

    Here’s a nice list of FOSS CMS’ (which includes Wordpress of course).

  • Yeah except that he ruled based on a previous ruling that the CFPB was improperly funded by Congress because it wasn’t constitutional. This time it was properly funded so that no longer applies (basically ruling the way that the CFPB is funded – via the Federal Reserve (they used to do some of the stuff that the CFPB now does) per the Dodd-Frank Act that Congress instead of being part of the normal annual budget is unconstitutional).

    Seems like an easy target for SCOTUS to kick the lawsuit back down to the circuit court and tell the court that it was erroneous in its ruling. But the SCOTUS isn’t really predictable anymore, so who knows.

  • The restaurant owner arguments are all super weak as usual.

    “Menu prices will rise!”

    No shit, but everyone was already paying the prices but now you can’t just surprise patrons with the increase.

    “There will be pullback. People will lose jobs and hours!”

    Doubtful but even if true, that means that they knew they were lying to customers and clawing extra charges that they wouldn’t know about already.

    “‘They’ are thinking restaurants will absorb the costs”

    Not exactly but they will have to compete with pricing as it should be.

    They’re just trying to get away with playing the same game Telcos have gotten away with for far too many decades.

  • It was a small group of people circa 2003. They added to the Dress and Appearance AFI as ‘mutilation’ and specifically called it tongue splitting.

    All kinds of people go into the military for various reasons. Many to get out of some way of life back home regardless of how they feel about the military and US policies you know? They can get college paid for, cut ties with whatever or whoever, get a place to live, get meals taken care of, get money in their pocket and maybe learn a trade. Obviously, there’s a lot of cons there too but some people see it as their best way ‘out’ of something.

    Back then OIF/OEF was just kicking off and everyone was all ‘Never Forget’ so the AF had so many people they actually started taking volunteers for people to leave early and then started forcing people out (called Force Reduction), which is crazy with the shear amount of deployments going on but the AF also had too many NCOs as well. So yeah. Shit show as usual.

  • I remember many years ago, the AF was charging airmen when some were splitting their tongues. The least they could do is charge these local PD with felonies. Obviously isn’t going to happen.

    What is crazy is the woman he was video chatting with said he heard a knock, asked who was there. No answer. Then a louder knock a couple of minutes later which is when he got his gun and they burst in. It sounds like it was unannounced.

    I hope we get the video for this but Florida is trying to kill all of its open information policies, so we may never get to see it.

    I really hope the cops are charged and convicted on at least manslaughter. Florida is pro-gun but also pro-cop. If the video shows them as being unannounced, I could see people actually being concerned because it could happen to any gunowner at that point, racial bias aside.

  • Starts at 12:55 for anyone that wants to get right to it.

    Though Pelosi should have taken this as an opportunity to talk about how poorly Trump handled the epidemic and promoted false information instead of taking the childish and weak way out of personally attacking her for making the point their opponents always make.

    Frankly, Pelosi’s saddling both sides but still criticizing pro-Palestinian – or perhaps I should say, pro-Humanitarian protestors was weak and propagandizing. She basically said ‘I don’t hear them considering the Hamas who are terrorists’ when obviously they have and it is a tired irrelevant counter-point when the issue here is the actual innocents, including many women, children and aid workers; as well as the blockade of humanitarian efforts and lack of accountability from the US to Israel.

    She did a bad job here on both points, IMO. There’s no reason we couldn’t fund our ally while putting constraints on it like “you have to do x, y and z while reducing collateral damage to x and following LOAC while allowing UN inspectors at their discretion” but even if that’s done now, I think it is too late as far as history will be concerned. This will be a black mark. Though we should do the right thing now and save as many innocent lives as possible and broker peace (which we also aren’t doing).

  • I accidentally overwrote /etc/passwd once and I allowed /boot to run out of space during a kernal update and I created a local user with the same user that was also on the realm/domain that I had joined and various bash script issues.
    Some stuff I’ve had to fix that someone else did:

    • named a file rm -rf
    • rm -rf /bin instead of ./bin – Also the fact that they had sudo was crazy and also I guess this was the second time
    • chmod -R 777 /
    • Various software bugs running swap out of space or hitting the inode limit by creating files over and over again with a timestamp in the filename and having to remove all of them because there was no backup to the OS
    • Someone disabled SELinux because something wasn’t working but didn’t tell anyone – ugh
    • Compiled java because they googled some issue and followed some old tutorial without understanding anything instead of using alternatives and symlinked the old java from /bin to /home/theiruser/java – had sudo because he was a Windows domain admin.
    • Cybersecurity guy didn’t know what some VMs did so he turned them off and figured he’d find out if/when someone complained. Caused a massive core services outage.
    • Same Cybersecurity guy deleted a bunch of data because he wanted to see how the sysadmins would respond and witness backup restorations. He did not inform anyone.
    • Cybersecurity guy above still has Domain Admin and sudo everywhere. I would have personally removed his privileged access regardless of what ‘CyberSecurity’ management thought but I was leaving for a new job by then anyway so I figured I’d just let them eventually lie in the bed they made.

    There’s more but I don’t want to keep going because it is Sunday and I don’t want to ruin it.

  • You can use Gnome Boxes to give you a front-end for KVM/qemu like VB. With the spice-webdavd package, you can share files similarly to the guest or send files directly to it.

    As far as Samba goes, it is just a FOSS implementation of Microsoft’s SMB. Just like with Windows, you’ll have to open Explorer to the IP/Hostname of your Samba server or I guess have both join the same workgroup with the same name on the same subnet.