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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • It’s like the nerds that came up with those nuclear warnings have never consumed a piece of fantasy or sci-fi media. “Oh, this ancient civilisation had immense power and locked it away in a concrete vault underground surrounded by harrowing warnings? Fuck yes I’m digging that shit up or settling my town on the ancient site of power. Blessings of the glowing soil! My son has been born with 6 fingers on each hand! Surely a wonderful portent!”

  • The men who are insulted are making the statement about them. They are too small-minded to consider that the analogy is about how women feel in our world today, not about picking on men. You watch movies and smugly pick out plot holes, while the symbolism and meaning fly miles over your head. We don’t need to know bear attack statistics to wonder why women are choosing the bear.

    If you feel attacked by the bear talk, you either lack empathy, or are the strange man in the woods. Either way I don’t need you repping my gender thanks.

  • It’s really getting to me how many people are memeing Paul turning into a worm.

    It feels like it’s a fact that was misinterpreted from one of those “7 CRAZY Things that Happen in the DUNE Novels - You’ll never believe number 6!” Videos. But because they haven’t read the books, they assume it must be Paul that worms out because he’s the Main Character, right?

  • Of course, the fandom for the quintessential X-Man, Morph, who was so well loved that he starred alongside Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry in the 2000s X-Men film.

    Morph, who was such an established Marvel character that they had to change his name for the animated show because there was a DC character who had a better claim to it.

    Morph, whose iconic design was “a dude”. I remember when every kid wanted the “a dude” action figure.

    That Morph?

    I would bet good money that not a single soul who is being vocally upset online about this was a part of the “Morph Fandom”. It’s people who assume that a show featuring a non-cis or non-straight character is a personal attack.

  • I dislike this take, as it dismisses the fact that some people are just selfish.

    Sure, plenty of people have been persuaded into voting conservative because they are ill-informed, but I would wager that just as many know what the right stands for, but because conservatives cater their policy to older, wealthier groups, the older wealthier voters can ignore the rest.

    Also homophobes and racists exist in all fields.