• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Let’s be honest, it doesn’t work for 30% of listed businesses either… Typing in more than 1 word automatically returns utter crap.

    If I type is SPAR, I get all supermarkets near me.

    If I type in SPAR supermarket because that is what it is listed under, I get this BS, random supermarkets 60+ km away. Even if it could only parse out supermarket because of how badly it parses, then it still could take supermarkets near me.

    When I type in just supermarket, I get the supermarkets near me. Any time I type more than one word, the search completely breaks…

  • True, but it is also completely different use cases and they have different goals.

    Windows on a 2-in-1 is also not as good as an iPad. They are desktop OS’s with tablet functionality as a nice to have. They will never be as smooth of an experience as a mobile-first OS.

    The trade off is 100x better compatibility with many apps, especially FOSS. inkscape, krita, KiCAD, FreeCAD, coding IDEs, MATLAB/scipy, games, etc… They are all available out of the box without a mediocre mobile port.

    The flexibility to functionally use it as a full-blown computer (and not reliant on a monopolized, centralized app store) is the reason you get it and not an iPad. Of course it won’t be as good as a tablet because it wasn’t made for that.

    You can also say “the iPad will never be as good of a drawing experience as a dedicated high-end drawing tablet.” Like of course. That isn’t its function and goal.

  • XPpen also has their own tablet drivers and is 5x the value of wacom. Wacom is the apple of drawing tablets and has been riding their own coattails for like 10 years charging ridiculous prices for old models without doing any innovation.

    I think Huion also has Linux drivers now too, though their latest H1061P tablet has a hardware issue with bad pressure sensing.

    Though OP was looking more for a standalone PC 2 in 1 tablet with a touchscreen that doesn’t have to be plugged in at all.

  • Yeah office lens is pretty much unbeatable. Open source would be amazing, but I at one point had about 6 document scanners on my phone and none of them held a candle to lens…

    Microsoft is shit, but they have 2 apps that are not exploitative and are very great to use

    Authenticator and Lens. They don’t ask for any permissions that they don’t need. They don’t even require Microsoft account log in to work. They also have no ads, subscription, or premium prompts. Lens just requests files and camera. No location, no tracking, no cloud needed. It can simply be all local document scanning with great filtering,

    Authenticator can be used with only camera permissions and it also it able to to push auth with key pairs, a step above general TOTP (though I still use everything with Aegis outside of work).

    Not enshittified. Yet…

  • I have an ITX Ryzen 2700X with an arc A380. 3 HDDs and 1 SSD boot drive.

    Before some kernel improvements for the A380, my idle wattage was 60W. Without the A380 it was around 35W idle. I am hoping that it is around 45W now because of fixing the high idle wattage of the GPU but I have to measure again.

    Performance is great though. Perfect Jellyfin streaming, home automation, document and media management, file sync, recipe management, etc…

    People tend to over-spec their servers, in my opinion. Unless you are dealing with more than a few dozen clients or so on one server (or having a many-user dedicated streaming server), you really don’t need much.