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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • It’s cheaper and easier to produce more high quality articles if you don’t have to worry about journalists getting burnt out or overworked. This also opens the door for writing the same article in many different languages with analogies and the like tailored for different cultures based on language or even location, as well as even writing it in real time with the specific person in mind so it can be more interesting to them. On top of this it means that you can get stories quicker than everyone else with the same quality as AI is much faster than a human.

  • This sort of thing is why I’m so excited for AI journalism, yes it costs jobs but the quality improvement will be drastic as they won’t get burnt out, can “understand” every topic, and can even produce in multiple languages accurately. We won’t have to worry about this anymore as people won’t have to click on one of say 100 articles written to get people to read when they can choose 1 that is actually interesting of 1000.

  • Wildfires are actually an important part of a forests life cycle, and they have always been around. They kill off massive swaths of old forest allowing new forest to grow, and diversifying the environment. They have been around since the forests have been, and there is a reason why they are not cited as one of the many things that is so bad for the environment. It is because they are necessary. The native Americans used to do controlled burns which would allow us to coexist with the forest fires without damaging either life form. We Americans, however, killed the vast majority of them so we could take this land. This is why it has gotten so out of hand today.