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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • I’m a woman who buys my tshirts in the men’s section because all women’s shirts have become crop tops, or are too low cut to wear to work, or too tight fitting to be comfortable. It looks like we have a lot of options, but I think it’s more like we have a lot of non utilitarian options. Like a bunch of clothes you can’t do anything in. Like go hiking, or bend over to pick up something you dropped without exposing yourself.

    I can get a men’s tshirt at target that fits exactly how I want it to(not too short, my boobs aren’t hanging out, not too baggy either) for about $8-$10. A women’s ‘tshirt’ will cost $15 plus and have all the issues I mentioned before.

    But then again I guess the grass is always greener right?

  • Well I guess they get dead women now.

    There needs to be a group of lawyers out there with spines of steel to take on a class action lawsuit(or several) to sue the fuck out of each of the states and politicians who pushed these anti-woman laws through and they resulted in women dying or being injured by healthcare being withheld… as mandated by the laws.

    These soulless pieces of shit only understand money, getting sued into the ground should get their fucking attention. I’d prefer jailtime, but Donald Dump shows republican shitheads don’t go to jail, so I say class action lawsuit time.

  • In my area the types of guys into outdoorsy stuff also tend to trash their campsites.

    I can’t count the number of times I go hiking and find beer/monster/soda cans, empty beefjerky bags, lead fishing weights that were cut off and left next to the rest of the garbage, piles of empty shotgun shells(not just one or two that were missed or fell out of a pocket), cigarette butt’s and boxes, ect.

    It’s always really shitty to find a part of the forest like that. Especially if I can see where there was tree stand above the pile of garbage. I get that deer are basically overpopulated due to milder winters, but take care of the forest my dudes.

  • The problem is people applying laws like castle doctrine outside of situations that they were intended for… then shitty judges allow it to be applied outside of those situations… resulting in these random ass killings for people knocking on doors. It’s messed up and horrible.

    But at the same time a few years ago a family near my friends house had someone break in, killed the two parents and then chased down the son and killed him in the woods. The young man tried to retreat and was killed anyway. THEN they robbed the house. They were looking for stuff to steal and sell for drugs. Then they set the house on fire.


    If someone is legitimately breaking into your house you should be able to defend yourself if you can’t get away. It doesn’t need to be a gun, but you should not go to jail for hurting someone who is in your house who is not supposed to be there.

    There’s no way to tell if that person is just a burglar or might fucking kill you over your stuff. What are you supposed to do? Ask them? “Excuse me criminal, are you the murderous type or just a burglar?”

    Obviously leave if you can, but this case shows running away doesn’t always work. That poor family.

  • I guess they forgot that people like Martin Luther King Jr. got shot and killed for speaking out against these so called “high T, alpha males.”

    Being proud of using intimidation tactics is fucking weird and pathetic. Blaming it on garbage pseudo science lowers the bar into degeneracy. THEN turning it into victim blaming…“you’re too weak to have anything worthwhile to contribute” is just… wow.

    Evolutionary psychology was an interesting hypothesis, but it will never recover from these dipshits utilizing it as the loudest dog whistle in history…used to justify sexism and bigotry. I wish they’d all get in elons rocket and be the first people to land on the sun.

  • The animal industry feeds the plants as much as the plants feed the animals. I’m not sure how vegans feel about synthetic fertilizer like miracle grow, but that’s what will have to be used in place of manure if the meat industry goes away.

    Many of the organic crops grown use animal manure to fertilize the plants. I know you can use seaweed and other plants for compost(weeds are already composted back in via tilling, seaweed requires harvesting from the ocean or long distance shipping from farms), as well as cycling crops to prevent nutrient deficiency…

    BUT manure doesn’t just add nutrients. It adds beneficial bacteria that helps keep the soil healthy and make the nutrients bioavailable to plants. It conditions the soil for water retention, and helps break up clay soil and add organic matter to sandy soil.

    Will vegans keep animals just for manure? Or will organic lables on food be less important? Are we going to start scraping the forests for leaves to chop up an add to farm soil? That can’t be good for forests though. I guess I’m just confused about how to maintain large farms without access to large amounts of manure.

  • I’m aware of some vegans stances being against having pets, but if people are feeding their cats and dogs a vegan diet at least some portion of vegans aren’t against it.

    For folks who want pets who are also vegan they should choose a species compatible with that instead of forcing it on an animal who’s biology isn’t going to thrive under those conditions.

  • I’m really hoping that lab grown meat will be available soon. I have a weird genetic issue where my body doesn’t like to absorb certain vitamins from food so I get basically nothing from raw veggies, negligible amounts from cooked veggies, and a tiny bit more from meat, eggs and dairy.

    I take prescription vitamins, but according to my Dr I need to eat meat/animal products with them or risk going into a deficiency again… the last time I was deficient I had seizures and serious neurological issues.

    I hate the meat industry and factory farming, but also want my brain to function and to not have seizures.

    Lab grown meat will solve this dilemma for me.