Try oat-milk!

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • For far too long people have been under the illusion that politicians try and debate in good faith and to some extent certain politicians do - Biden will spin facts into a better light or down play some issues; that’s politics, right? But Trump is everything bad in politics and perhaps humanity, all wrapped into one. To give that a microphone is bad enough, but to think you can “debate” such a thing, should be someone’s first and last mistake. It’s pointless because there’s no new perspective for Trump to bring to America’s current situation; Biden knows this. In many ways, you either vote against Trump because you know what he is, or you vote for Trump because you believe what he wants you to know; he only brings “alternate facts,” and again, Biden knows this.

  • No society should have any businesses or individuals that are ultra rich. It’s one thing to surround yourself with materialistic goods and services, but to use that wealth as power and control over a huge majority is evil. I suspect when the ultra rich have proper self-repairing droves of service robots, worker drones and obedient AI, they won’t have use for most of us - I am not being hyperbole in writing this…

  • You have to go further than that. A huge population only cares about itself and has made it a part of their identity. Those who have it well don’t have to think about those without: drive to or work from home, live and socialize on internet platforms that isolate themselves from the plight of those with less. They can order everything online and have it delivered to their door - they have no clue and depending on how separated they are from those struggling, they may just say, “those people just aren’t working hard enough,” or some similar line of thinking. It’s not hopeless, but we need far more progress in the US, especially with wage inequality and affordable living/homes. Jeff Bazos is allowed to help buy up single family homes so the rich can rent them out…it makes me so angry and sad.