• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023


  • Well it's understandable that you think the predators are random men in white vans texting your kids, grooming, and abducting them, but in actuality, a ton of the major produces of CSAM are parents or family members.

    This doesn't account for a smaller, but significant percentage of self-producers that post online because they're following online sexual trends, innocently self-expressing, or self-exploiting.

    Having the goverment ban encryption will only undermine the privacy and security of law abiding citizens, and jeopardize national security. Parents don't have to send messages to their kids really.

    The police won't protect your child from your spouse.

    Banning encryption won't do anything to curb this concern of yours, its like banning car locks because people could hide heroin in cars.

    I can empathize with your stance, but I have to tell you, that the "protect children" argument has been used to justify genocide, racial segregation, and so many other violations of civil rights within the last 100 years.

  • Well yes, because it's not up to the government to take care of or protect your kids. And it's your job to make sure they can protect themselves online. That's just common sense.

    Additionally, the government is still effective at catching bad guys without backdoors to encryption, and this stuff doesn't stop you from monitoring your kids devices.

    Yes in the US, Texas for example has used publicly available information to jail moms who travel for abortions.

    If the government were to trample on the freedom of privacy, it would affect the right to protest, it would affect freedom of assembly, it would affect freedom of opinion.

    China literally monitors most of their citizens communications this way.

    We do NOT want governments to invade privacy for the sake of security.

    Because, if the government can see what you do, then criminal actors can also see what you do too.

  • Absolutely not, at first I thought it was infact an Israeli airstrike, but upon pouring over multiple angles of video that has been geographically confirmed, it's fairly damning, and fairly convincing that it was not in fact, an Israeli airstrike.

    The incident had been broadcasted live by Al Jazeera too, so even if you have a bias in favor of Hamas and Palestinian struggles, all signs point to a self-inflicted tragedy.

    Despite that, its far too late since everyone already started protesting at embassies in greater numbers. PA president and Jordan leader cancelled meetings with Biden.

    The situation is deteriorating rapidly.

  • Ah, exactly as predicted. The conflicts in Ukraine and Israel creating a nuanced situation that forces Republicans and Democrats into a dialogue and self examination.

    Many Democrats have been critical of Israel in the past, many Republicans have shown skepticism of sending aid to Ukraine.

    Now the Republicans entire base is gonna be like "support Israel, grrr". Kekw

    It's going to be pretty difficult to remain a supporter of the Palestine government ever since they obliterated all their good PR. Inb4 GOP calls Ocasio-Cortez a traitor for the 1000th time kekw. You'd have to be gulping some Swiss-style both-sidesing koolaid tbh. I wouldn't blame you, the Swiss are based.

    Mild internal divisions in both parties, yet both coming to the conclusion to send aid.

    Ah, it's so ironic, global affairs and politics are just as silly as Stellaris politics.

    Personally, I'm going to learn Hebrew and Ukrainian downs a shot of bourbon

  • Reducing it to a binary is the incorrect analogy.

    The needle of responsibility in this conflict definitely leans toward Hamas.

    Every Palestinian civilian death, every displacement, every house bombed, every western country, like Austria, who withdrew support, the imminent reoccupation of the region, it's all on Hamas.

    They really really hung themselves on the world stage with this one, they had some excellent PR going too.

  • I mean Hamas had some really good PR going but they really, really fucked up this time.

    Many countries now withdrawing aid, most are reluctantly supporting Israel because most countries despite being just as guilty as Israel, know that Israel is the West's proxy in the middle east.

    The blood of both Palestinian civilians and Israeli civilians, and the imminent occupation of the region is going to be on their hands.

    I don't know what they're smoking.