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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • So, I’m from Baraboo. Though I haven’t lived there in well over 10 years now, I still have friends and family who reside there still. The day after this happened, the video was already making its rounds in our various discord servers, getting texts from family members with the original video link and it was all around big deal. Everyone was fucking pissed at this guy and there were soooo many people in my circles that wanted to see him named, shamed and royaly buttfucked by the court of public opinion. It didn’t take long at all for someone to go, “hey, I know that guy. He works at so and so” and I’m happy to see that the cat is out of the bag here. It seems he has been fired. His employer is well aware at this point and have scrubbed all mention of him from their website.

    The one and only way to unfuck my hometown’s garbage residents is to hang them out to dry in public and I’m glad this is national news. When someone wants to pull some racist shit, let it be known that we’re gunna make sure their racist bullshit will be put on display for all the world to see and the consequences shall be their’s and their’s alone to bare for their stupid bullshitery. Baraboo is such a cute little town but GODDAMN some of these motherfuckers are an embarrassment to our town, our state and our county.

  • This is the sure-fire solution. Before I left Reddit when the API bs went down (RIP RIF), I had already filtered out all the popular and simipopular political and adjacent subs. It change my Reddit experience and overall frustration levels immediately and all for the better. I still got the news I wanted here and there but without that dumbass antagonistic shithole that’s the comments section. Anyway, good riddance, Reddit.

  • Modded version of youtube app that let’s you kill all the ads, among many other wonderful features. However, every 6 months or so, youtube does something where the videos stop loading effectively killing the app. I usually switch between vanced and revanced every 6 or so months because one has so far always worked when the other gets the axe. By the time that one goes down, the other one is back up and running.

  • IMO there’s certainly nothing wrong with going on reddit. There’s still stuff there but it’s just not the same and it’s not for me. They don’t respect their users at all and I’m just not going to give them anymore of my time.

    I haven’t been here all that long butI think Lemmy is growing and real growth takes years. It seemed like reddit was this little secret for the first few years, then BOOM! Massive growth and it was a slow decline after that. Lemmy is on the upswing and with any luck, this place won’t fall into the same pitfalls ar reddit.

  • I left the day they made the switch and, after 12 years as a daily user, i haven’t logged into my account since. Because of Lemmy, don’t miss it one bit. The only reason I ever see reddit posts is when they happen to show up in any of my DDG searches. Usually, they show up when I’m trying to seach for info flabout a game or mods, at which point my reddit usage is purely utilitarian. I dont login and i no longer use it as any source of entertainment or online social interactions.

    Lemmy reminds me of very early Reddit, which is unrecognizable in its current state. After years of stupid decisions, the overwhelming barrage of adds, trackers and corperate greed, the reddit I found so engaging and entertaining was lost years ago. My exit was just an acknowledgement of that truth.

  • I’m certainly no A2 lovin back the blue gun nut but if there’s any group that I feel completely fine with having guns, it’s the president’s secret service. These folks are held to the highest standards with the highest training guarding arguably the most important political figure in the world. They are not your average frumpy ass cop with a drinking problem and anger management issues. These sneaky fuckers are hand picked from the best of the best. You never hear about the secret service gunning someone down because they were just in a bad mood that day.