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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • A lot of people in Linux subs seem to be ready and willing to unload their "everything is dumbed down" opinion, with all the ferver of a solider heading out to war. I'm a long time computer user, programmer and hacker, so I understand these points of view, but they come across as very gate-keepy around the idea of using a computer at all. Like… I think it's obscene that so many people would think you need to learn how to use the command-line in order to use a computer.

    You guys have it wrong, I love smart GUIs that mean I don't have to spend my life writing complex command line statements, why are there so many people trying to hold back the wonder and marvel of computers from people who haven't spent their entire lives dedicated to learning about the computer? I mean seriously, I don't expect any of my friends or family to be as experienced at these things as I am, and that's okay. I want the computer to be an easy thing to use. Hell, I want the computer to be easy to use so that I can apply my skills to building things on the computer and have people pay money for them, I think that's a fairly reasonable trade.

  • Microsoft has done some pretty shitty things before, like buying and extinguishing many competitors. But it’s pretty telling that you are NOT an experienced dev if you are criticizing the one thing MS has done really well. .NET is a rather mature framework with multiple seasoned languages under its umbrella.

    Having used C# and .NET for many years, it’s easily one of Microsofts best decisions they have made. C# is arguably one of the most dev-friendly languages on the market right now. With each iteration offering many quality-of-life improvements, I can’t think of many languages that offer the amount of improvements that C# has had over the last 10 years. Compare that to seasoned languages like PHP, Golang or even Java and I think C# is still the easiest to use in terms of terse (but still understandable) syntax, generics, data structure improvements, general iterators syntax and can’t forget LINQ improvements. I’ve often felt left behind when using Java, as it plays keep-up with some of the changes in C#.