Do it Pussy
Do it Pussy
Thats wy we dont hype and wait. I wish them luck, but they aint killed nothing yet and there not even close.
They wana be vscode, but barly have the features of suplime text. The marketing is dumm.
The media coverage for this, half backed suplime clone, is just weird.
Its just the swiss army knife of the editor world.
My hopes for a vscode replacement are on lapce.
All in a small PC Case
sever is running YunoHost
its called rent seeking for a reason
Countrys borders ar not split rentals wtf. Also you pretending this all happens, without any reason is a bit uninformt and reduktive. China is realy known for there peacefull annexing of neighboring Countrys.
Most nutrition is in the skin.
There the stock ones, gladly they look good. Its hard getting DE keycaps.
great idea, will try it.
Vegan icecream has come so fare.
finaly the gonna put the photo button back in.