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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 31st, 2024


  • It gained traction by being free.

    I see there are good numbers on release but I would take them with a pinch of salt. Apparently it had between 500,000 and 700,000 concurrent players on release which is already down to 300,000. Estimates of over 7mil unique players.

    Now look at The Finals which has 8mil unique players. It had 250,000 concurrent players on release and is now down to around 15,000 6 months later.

    Reviews wise The Finals did better on both critic and public ratings. Arguably (in my opinion) the Finals has a less interesting replayability loop but is more polished and higher quality gameplay wise.

    The fact is these numbers are sadly pretty common drop offs for f2p shooters, as a lot of people want to check them out but not stick with them. Will be interesting to see how the player number fare when the next CoD comes out on Game Pass.

  • I think fantastic is overstating it a bit. It feels like a middle of the road CoD. Kind of a boots on the ground version of one of the hero shooter Black Ops entries with a little roughness to it.

    Not bad but not great either. For the price though, it’s great value.

  • I have encountered this “American social issues transplanted” hand waving a lot in Europe. For example, I know a lot of Swedes who say this about a bunch of casually racist stuff (proclaiming Sweden to be very anti-racist). Meanwhile up north you see a lot of Classic American cars which are often casually emblazoned with Confederate flags and even displayed in proximity to Nazi memorabilia. Down south you have a rising right-wing party support fuelled by fear of immigrants from Africa/Middle East (eg. The non-white ones).

    I understand you’re trying to educate yourself and that’s great, don’t take this as dunking on you more, as I feel like you’re in the smart minority by trying to learn and reason. It just really bugs me when I hear people say it’s a US problem. A lot of Europe is holding a lot of racist views (and in a lot of cases, horrific colonial history) and then turn around to say things like “why are my football players kneeling, BLM is an American issue”.