National and racial chauvinism is a vestige of the misanthropic customs characteristic of the period of cannibalism. Anti-semitism, as an extreme form of racial chauvinism, is the most dangerous vestige of cannibalism.
Anti-semitism is of advantage to the exploiters as a lightning conductor that deflects the blows aimed by the working people at capitalism. Anti-semitism is dangerous for the working people as being a false path that leads them off the right road and lands them in the jungle. Hence Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable, sworn enemies of anti-semitism.
In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.
J. Stalin
January 12, 1931
Wirst du jetzt paranoid?
Weißt du, wir Wessis haben auch besseres verdient als so Vermieter, deren einziges Problem in der Welt China ist. Wir haben hier z.B. zu hohe Mieten, da müsste man mal dran. Aber das geht nicht, weil dann die Vermieter rumheulen, dass sie dann richtig arbeiten müssen. Und richtig arbeiten ist natürlich kacke, dann kann man im Internet nicht mehr über China rumheulen.
That's what a landlord would say, while he doesn't work.
Wo waren deine Argumente? No Job? Says the landlord.
Ich finde es lustiger. Außerdem kann ich kein chinesisch, das müsstest du eigentlich wissen. Umso trauriger, dass mir ein Holocaust-Relativierer diesen Vorwurf macht. Du müsstest eigentlich als Vermieter so sehr gebildet sein, dass du wüßtest warum dieser Vorwurf dir gegenüber gerechtfertigt ist - stattdessen kommt nur bürgerliche und liberale Propaganda deinerseits.
Was willst du damit bewirken? Kommst du dir nicht dumm vor? Dämonenvertreibung?
Deine Ziele sind ziemlich bitter. Bitte, beschäftige dich mit Habermas.
Es macht halt keinen Sinn mit jemanden wie dir zu reden.
I never denied anything about it. That's your fantasy, bro. But that you don't understand what the word holocaust means and that you are doing holocaust-relativism is a fact. Everybody can read your messages here on the platform.
Um es noch mal in deutsch auszudrücken: Ich schäme mich für dich, dass du sämtliche Aufarbeitungsdiskurse in diesem Land komplett ignorierst.
Said the dude, who doesn't know what the word holocaust means…
You're like a Nazi, cause you're doing holocaust-relativism. The fact that you're german makes it more scary.
Landlords are more insane. They're scum.
if it's your goal to do holocaust-relativism…
said the person, who doesn't know what the holocaust is…
If you aren't a Nazi or a Liberal, why are you repeating the nonsense from them?
Oh you're comparing scales? Are we on this level? I don't know, if you have so much self-awareness, but you're doing a huge job on relativing Nazis. Why do liberals always tend to do this bullshit? Aren't you able to talk about genocides without doing it? Is there a need for it? No, it isn't. You idiots don't understand what you're doing. I can talk about the things china did, no problem - but I am getting angry, if you only want to do it, cause you love Nazis.
Not my experience. If you're talking about Israel a lot of people are getting really fast really mad. If you try to talk rational about other states people stay mostly calm. I would call this behaviour a double-standard because of antisemitism. There's no rational reason why people focus so much about this little state.