I do a lot of photography and I share it on my deviant art page.

It’s SFW, don’t worry.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Depends on how much recoil you get from each shot and how many shots you get before you have to reload

    Short bursts towards center of mass is best. You might not hit a head, hitting extremities is basically worthless for dropping a combatant, center of mass is where all the really important stuff is concentrated.

    The benefits of growing up around ex military is that you get trained by them as a child

  • Gormadttointernet funeral@lemmy.worldYou're ok.
    57 days ago

    Both with fog and smoke

    It’s so eery with fog and a special kind of horrifying with smoke

    Story Time

    When the fog gets so thick you can’t see more than a car length or 2 in front and behind

    You continue to slow down trying to find a safe speed

    The last car you saw was an hour ago and they were pulled over and walking around

    You pull over, turn the car off, and turn the hazard lights on

    You step out of the car to listen

    There’s only silence

    A suffocating silence

    You scream only for it to sound muffled muted

    A car flys past at speed and disappears before you can get a good look

  • Yes but also consider this: there’s money to be made from those suffering on the brink of death.

    The ownership class sees it as money left on the table that they could have if they keep the money out of the government’s hands.

    Happy and healthy workers are more productive but by ensuring that they suffer a little bit (read as a lot) they can siphon money from those workers into their pockets and away from everyone else.

    It’s so absolutely fucked up but the cruelty is another means of their exploitation.

  • I also think 13 is a good number because that would be 1 Supreme Court justice for each circuit court

    But getting to that will be hard and not to mention unless a cap is put in place (I prefer tying it to the number of circuit courts) then the next person who scoots in could expand it further with less push back due to it having been done just recently

    The last thing we need is every president who scoots into office appointing more and more justices until it gets out of hand

  • Gormadttomemes@lemmy.worldTis the season
    18 days ago

    This year I actually found a combination of allergy meds that works for me (yes combination, 1 just doesn’t do it for me)

    It’s straight up bliss not having to wear a face mask for a couple months just to not die

    Edit: Yes I consulted my doctor before doing multiple at a time. In fact the 2 I’m taking right now (Allegra and Flonase) were the 2 they recommended I try together.

  • Lychee Slicer (slicer used for resin printing) is usually pretty good but sometimes it’ll still fail

    Which basically means I’d have 2 choices, go in there manually with Blender or fire up Windows 3D Builder and let it work it’s magic

    I haven’t fully given up on trying to find a way to get it to work on Linux but I’ve had to take a break from trying purely due to frustration