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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • My wife is half Jamaican and half Iranian, she went to a school in a very working class part of a very ethnically diverse city in the UK, with most of the school having a familial origin in the middle east or India.

    She was routinely bullied for being black and called the N word on a daily basis. She was made to feel like a troublemaker for reporting it to teachers and eventually snapped, her kickboxing lessons helped her break a boy’s nose with a kick to the face after years of abuse, and she got suspended for it while nobody ever faced any consequences for their racism.

    People don’t want to punish wrongdoing, they want to keep things “simple” and not have to deal with anything they feel awkward about, so they ignore the repeated “small” incidents and only acted to punish the retaliation because it’s deemed disproportionate. Years of racism to the point of having no friends because people were scared of being seen to sympathise apparently isn’t as damaging as an afternoon in A+E and some minor discomfort for a week or so. Fuck that school and fuck this mentality.

    This story seems like a worse version and we’re 20 years on. I’m sure it happens way more than we see in stories like these, they’re just swept under the rug and hope nobody calls them on it. Fuck this backwards ass world.

  • There are some great paid mobile games too though.

    I’ve played nothing on my phone but bloons td6 for a year or so now, cost £6 and I’m nowhere close to maximising the content available.

    Then you have shorter (but brilliant) games like the room series, monument valley, machinarium.

    Not all are F2P microtransaction excuses with an ad every 30seconds. But I totally sympathise with the frustration and don’t play F2P mobile any more either.

  • It's an interesting one this. My wife's mum is Iranian and my brother in law is Pakistani and I've heard (so take this with a metric tonne of salt) that families that emmigrated from middle Eastern cultures are often much more strict that those who didn't.

    This is simply because the community in the country the emmigrated to is much smaller and more isolated so doesnt allow views to slowly shift as easily as in a large group where you can more easily find like minded people if there's a point you don't agree with.

    But like I said, I've only heard this so maybe it's bs, I've never visited either country myself so it's literally just another's opinion. But I found it interesting and it made me think a bit more about how hard it must be to feel like you belong in a country different than your origin. Obviously we (the west, generally speaking) have the benefit of seeing comfortable Christians in comfortable situations who are able to more easily challenge the traditional beliefs, but I wonder whether a typical Christian family who emmigrated to a non Christian country a generation or more ago would be more strict as a rule.

  • One is taught from birth and has a history of indoctrination that both you and me would likely also fall for in the same situation.

    The other is willful ignorance with no historical reason to believe it and full denial of most science.

    I'm not religious at all, I am happy to openly mock God and dare him to strike me down, I really don't care. But laughing at the PEOPLE who believe it through no fault of their own is pure douchebaggery.

    We're fortunate to have the opportunity to learn about and assess the situation with as much knowledge as we like, plenty of people don't have the same opportunity or were taught the beliefs long before they could reason any differently. 5000 years ago you'd be praising the sun God with the rest of us, everything from that to now is just shades of grey, and you're pretty unlikely to be some special individual that derived all science from first principles and concluded that God was impossible.

    You're basically just claiming to be better due to the circumstances you found yourself in (through no fault of your own). Seems like properly cunty behaviour to me, and only a stones throw from laughing at the poor for not being born into wealth.

    You dick :) x