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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023

  • Even better is, we casually drop the “Comment” and add the accent of a question instead, so it can go like : “Ça va?” “Ça va.”

    Note that in French we can make the meaning of it vary from roughly ‘not great’ to ‘good’ just by how enthusiastic we are. It’s really only when we want to express radical emotions that we might stop using it.

    (Although someone depressed might not want to express their distress and use it like the expressions in this meme…)

  • It is, and it doesn’t mean i don’t love them, i do.

    Cats are more manageable to love because they don’t lick you, their fur still triggers it but not as much.

    I think i got the allergy alongside my love of pets from growing up with the nicest cat ever.

    So i’m honestly thinking about trying something to lessen the allergy, that or a hairless cat.

  • I’m exactly like that too. I think my nature isn’t nice, but i can choose to be.

    And i’m also admiring anyone that as that nice nature, i find it beautiful and extremely attractive. So to a degree i have that goal of trying to choose it whenever i can.

    One drawback, wich also coincide with my very rational personality is that i hate having too strong of an emotion, had anger issues as a kid, but also the start of love is somewhat unpleasant for example.

    But hey, to me as long as your trying to be better, your are good person.

  • Ho, I see what you meant now by this optimizing idea. And yes i would agree, it’s not exempt from exceptions, but this is a good way to describe most brain functions, definitely useful. Reward circuit being a prime example, one you summed up very well.

    I don’t know for protozoan but to anything complex enough to have subjective experiences yes, it could have it. Definitely an interesting idea, wich i guess would fit with God, but possible regardless.

  • Funkytom467tomemes@lemmy.worldIt must be a test
    25 days ago

    First of all, i don’t think we can reduce choices to something to optimize. You can’t know everything and your benefit is a pretty unknown variable too. Being rational is great but also not suitable for every choice, it’s not that that i would call free will.

    Now the idea that what we are born as and every experience from then on shape you and your choice is a good hypothesis. It means we humans are just as deterministic as everything else.

    Then free will is just the term we use for the unknown and unknowable in us. Like when we call rolling a dice random. But it’s not a real physical thing.

    But here is where my proposal can still be a good hypothesis too…

    There is one thing that is a black box to our knowledge, not our biology or our brain, but our conscience.

    We don’t really know what it is yet. We know a lot of biology and we’re getting better and better at understanding our brain. But our subjective experiences are not explained by science. And thus in it could lie something not deterministic.

    (As a parallel, just like we don’t know how to interpret quantum mechanics, wich could have true randomness, or not…)

    P.S. i do this parallel with physics because i’m more knowledgeable on it, but also because i think there is a good amount of understanding and questioning we can have on determinism through it ^^

  • Funkytom467tomemes@lemmy.worldIt must be a test
    26 days ago

    I don’t think all-knowing exist outside of fiction, and neither do God.

    But just for fun, I think there is an interesting way religious people would answer, and a more satisfying one than just saying God’s works in mysterious way.

    See we can see free will as a God given power to make choice in a otherwise deterministic world.

    The testing would just see what we do with his power.

    And since it comes from him, it could be outside of something knowledgeable, outside of the “all”.

    Or, at least to make him or his powers outside of the “all” would be the best solution to paradoxes like can ‘God create a rock he can lift?’ etc…

    P.S. Obviously another way to answer the paradox and my personal belief is to discard the reality of words like all-knowing or omnipotent. But i think this view has some merits, it can’t probably be better put philosophically… (I’m not a philosopher thought ^^)

  • That but also googling isn’t that easy for some questions (especially for those who don’t know how to google well).

    For instance you lost the name of something, and let’s say it’s something niche…

    I love how language ai can now help with that.

  • It’s also a bit incomplete because he also said a object keeps the same speed, even if it’s not zero (not moving). And the speed also has to keep the same direction. This does explain a lot about gravity, orbits etc…

    And that’s only the first law, it’s a premise to the other even more helpful laws.

  • I only put my alarm at 5min intervals if i wanna take it slow but need to wake up. But when i slept well i never need more than two. Sometimes I can even wake up before the first one. It’s for when i’m tired that it can be useful, and that can be easily fixed by not being stupid…

    Now if i don’t need to wake up, I sometimes make them 15min or 30min apart so i can continue a bit of dreaming between each alarm without falling asleep for 2 more hours.