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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I’m not sure your last sentence is entirely accurate. He’s white-ish (orange would be more accurate), rich-ish (highly overleveraged), and connected-ish (those that are not in prison are jumping ship).

    Willing to concede the white/orange portion, but for a man who allegedly is worth billions he’s having trouble scraping together enough money for bond. Those connections wouldn’t even step up to post it for him or loan him the money to post.

  • Things I have not stated:

    1. We should support anything an ally does
    2. Defending a genocide

    Come back and read the thread once you’ve taken a few deep breaths.

    As I did clearly state “I get it, they’re both shit choices. Spicy Cuttlefish or Vanilla Bean Paste situation.”

    Don’t be angry at me because the system has been fucked since before either of us were born. Russia wants us to be devisive against each other. They want a strong disenfranchised faction of Dem voters to “go against Biden” so that the Russublicans take power again.