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Joined 9 days ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2024


  • That is a stupid take, but it does leave me curious. I can see where your chain of logic lies (let’s all vote for Bernie and solve all the problems tomorrow), but the disconnect from idilic fantasy and reality seems to have you hung up a bit. While the tongue-in-cheek Bernie comment would be kinda neat to bring about, you can not realistically shift an entire voting base overnight. You, and others on here are more in tuned to the political goings on than a horrific percent of the actual voting population. I talk politics more than anyone is comfortable with (it IS that important…sorry folks), and I very consistently come across people that don’t know what left and right is, don’t know what conservative and liberal is, don’t know which of the latter is described by the former, don’t know the difference between economic policy and social or political policy. So we come back to your take. Yeah, shit has to change, but we have a slim chance of getting systems in place to cause real change under one guy and authoritarian endgame under the other. THIS election’s loss carries unacceptable loss conditions. When we are voting between a Clinton and a Bush, then push your agenda because the loss conditions there is just having someone disagreeable in power maintaining THEIR version of the status quo…not ideal, but much safer. Convincing fence-sitters that lean blue (the kind that would care about the genocide happening) to not vote or to vote 3rd party gives the guy that will make everything worse a better chance. Ultimately if you don’t vote for one of the two people our current system allows, you are casting a vote for whoever happens to win, mathematically.

    Your idea is a Prisoner’s Dilemma, and in the real world, we absolutely can not trust that the other 80million prisoners will all play their part. Sorry.

  • I think most informed people understand that voting for Biden isn’t the cure-all. We are a car without breaks careening down a cliff side, winding, pothole-filled road slick with a fresh spill from a septic truck and we are faced with turning one direction and driving off the cliff or turning the other and staying on the rough road knowing there is at least a chance of it clearing up and hopefully offering some better intersections ahead. At least Joe’s team is trying to hose off the sewage and is willing to hear you out about the asphalt-guy you know that can handle the job. The other guy’s side has Ivan’s Forestry Specialists on speed dial and just needs the cash advance to pay him, then he will totally be here any day to fix the roads cause he totally does that too. Also he is a pilot, so you should totally trust him that he can land the car if you go off the cliff…there sure are some nice roads down there at the bottom. Biden, or even Democrats won’t fix everything. They will be conservative-lite, but the other option in our flawed system is conservative-FOREVER. The problem with your “we must all give up everything and probably go homeless to protest and rebel” is the prisoner’s dilemma. We all go in 100% or we lose… permanently. Those of us not dead set on going all-in, because we know others won’t (not even debatable), want to maintain the status quo as the only good option, so we can at least fix the “we lose… permanently” part.

    Or maybe I am an idiot and haven’t eaten today. Those are my 3¢(inflation).

  • Ukraine is getting support and still fighting orks. It is a politically delicate situation, but it is working.

    Dunno the pertro dollar, I assume you are wrong, but I’ll enjoy looking into it later.

    Afghanistan withdrawal was entirely on trump.

    There is plenty of ramped up, unnecessary border security, I think we are still breaking records for people and drugs stopped there…hell, fox news, in their stupidity, reported that Biden’s border stopping record highs of fentanyl from getting across the border was a bad thing. trump’s Whitehouse was prescribing the stuff!

    Supply chain failure…of? You talking about the problems during COVID that the trump administration cocked up so bad that it caused supply chain failures?

    Vaccines was struck down by the ignorant and the stupid, not Biden.

    Economy is finally recovering from the shambles that trump left it in with his record debt. Biden did an impressive job fixing that so fast when Congress fought him the whole way.

    But, hey! Maybe the one thing you are right about is the Petro dollar! Even a maga-media consumer has to be right every once in a while!