Temporary pause. We need the Adjuster I know couple CEO that need a reminder that this merger should not happen.
Temporary pause. We need the Adjuster I know couple CEO that need a reminder that this merger should not happen.
I hope he does get a few more, to also send a message.
To send a message and to look like they solved the crime. They feel confident the real killer will stay hidden or has left the country.
So they did arrest the wrong man. How long before they “sucide” him?
Buckle up because all of that is true. Hell going worse then that.
Oh okay understand. Still he is Batman may be walk free.
So Batman? If he is the killer which I highly doubt. Bet they fucked up and arrested the wrong guy.
Dude is literally batman, just without the dead parents. May he walk free. So hope he is smart and shuts up and lawyer up.
Which will be funny when the real killer strikes again. Fucking CEO better be watching their backs from now on.
This isnt the guy. This is their scapegoat. What I could read he seems to be a foreigner. Also the first part of the article is hilarious. Fucking cop who been on the job no more than 6 months and fellow officer saw this guy and just knew they have the right man no doubt in their minds didn’t think twice. Fucking doesn’t look like the killer even a little bit. Bunch fuck ups. Poor guy.
Edit: so guy isn’t a foreigner, but he isn’t the killer either.
No shit four years ago I funded a game. They got funding and was supposed to get game 3 years ago. Still nothing. Hell haven’t had update since the summer. Want my money back. Not even interested in the game anymore. Fuck every doing kickstarter again.
Thanks found posts on it. Fucking hilarious and awesome. May CEO trimble and worry at all times. This guy is awesome and hope he gets away free.
Seriously really? That is hilarious if true.
Please it will be brought up. It goes to motivate. Again rhey will not let this hero go to trial. Besides they won’t get a jury to convict him.
Cops haven’t found shit. I saw a video of a guy putting mask on their face that when on actually make you look like that person. Apparently can buy them on Amazon. How do we know that isn’t a mask? This guy was smart. He didn’t leave behind nothing he didn’t want the cops to find. Hell the so called bottle they found. If you wacth the video or him disposing of it. He placed it in just a way that was for sure to be found.
Also two theories on the backpack. Either he left it on purpose, or my thinking is the cops planted it to make it look like they are solving this thing.
I think who ever this was is a professional or he planned it right and they will not catch this person. Unfortunately they will pin this on someone, and that someone will be dead.
Even if and its a big if they catch this person, no way will they allow this man to be put on trial. Allow his defense lawyer play up that he killed that fucking CEO because someone he loved died because the fucks at United Healthcare denying their claim. And if they had gotten care would have lived.
Wonder if this simple trick can be used to lower prices at the grocery store? Just saying.
I’m shocked about Katie Porter. Why would she not vote?
Dude show up only minutes before he walked out. He didn’t wait long and was saw talking on the phone before hand. Money says someone knew Ceo was walking out and when and alerted the killer. Could have been the wife making the call. CEO was also pretty calm and brave walking out when just the night before his wife had gotten a bomb threat the night before at 7pm.
Dont think they will catch hiim, and if they do won’t be alive. Bet they have kill on site as their orders.
The cops are already claiming they found him. Some rookie cop. So they already doing just that…