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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2023


  • If an upvote is an “I like this” button, then it’s bad UX design to expect people to not use the downvote as an “I don’t like this button.” If there needs to be an “off topic” button then it shouldn’t be styled and placed to look like the exact opposite of the “I like this” button.

  • The threat of lawsuit is usually enough to get an employment offer rescinded. It’s rare for a company to want to take on a legal defense just to hire someone new. Even though they weren’t actually legally binding, non-competes still limited options for a lot of people.

    Overall I agree with you that this isn’t as big of a deal as people make it sound, but it’s easy underestimate their influence if only looking at the result of cases that go to trial. In many situations, the damage is done well before a case can go to trial.