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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • Well, for almost a decade the GOP has had time to come up with their vision. They ran on “Repeal and Replace” in the 2016 cycle. But when it came time to vote to repeal, they still didn’t have a replace option.

    Prices didn’t go down when the 2018 tax cuts reduced corporate tax by about 30%, I doubt when the ACA gets repealed and insurance companies can drop the uninsurable people they will lower the prices for healthy Americans, because they are already anchored at the higher price.

  • Technically that’s true, because it changed the law where you can’t be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions, but I’m guessing OP means he uses the marketplace thingy instead of having insurance provided by work.

    (Also, the affordable care act didn’t force you to have insurance, it was a tax penalty to not have insurance, but the 2018 tax act set that penalty to $0)

  • Amazon does probably do this, but burning down a retail store wouldn’t hurt their competition.

    Tinfoil hat time, the equity firm that bought toys r us, bain capital, somehow got people to agree that they could use the equity of toys r us as collateral, then heavily leveraged themselves to buy out a bunch of companies that competed with toys r us and therefore Amazon, and after buying out all these companies, collapsed in on themselves dragging all of them down with it.

    Amazon already handled a lot of toys r us’s logistics at the time, so it was a nice boon for them to already have the infrastructure in place to support that market when suddenly toys r us starts making highly risky leveraging decisions.

  • From my time on Reddit years ago this question came up.

    Some cashier’s said they reciprocate the exchange back to the customer. If the customer puts cash on the counter for them to pick up, they’ll put the change on the counter in return.

    There also was probably some new training from covid where you didn’t want to touch people directly, so those training materials probably still exist

  • People listen to other people’s opinions. You don’t care about joe rogans opinion, so his endorsement means nothing. Other people do listen to him and will take his endorsement into consideration. “I agree with what Rogan says alot, he’s probably more well informed than me, so if he says someone is worth the vote, well then I don’t have to think about it myself and can trust him”

    It’s newsworthy when a public figure throws their endorsement around, you just don’t care about the news

  • My guess is no one is willing to take on the liability. Any new system that introduces bugs or introduces attack vectors from hackers don’t want to be responsible for any lost money and I’m sure banks/insurance don’t want to take on the risk either.

    Magnetic tape and clearing houses for the indefinite future!

  • Now I may be wrong, but the rulings on sodomy or marital rape weren’t rulings that overturned past supreme Court rulings. And a future supreme Court shouldn’t be able to overturn citizens united. Congress would need to pass a law to overturn citizens united.

    It’s like roe v wade. I’m pretty sure the roe ruling wasn’t specifically about abortion, it was about the people’s right to get an abortion because they have a right to privacy versus the government’s interest.

    How can one supreme Court roster determine roe was a violation of the 14th amendment and another roster rule it wasn’t? That just incentives a political supreme Court. Roe shouldn’t have been overturned, Congress should have had the burden of modifying the 14th amendment so that roe could be struck down.

    I bet the justices are communicating with interested parties to let them know which rulings they now have the majority to overturn. Like a “hey bud, you should challenge the Chevron ruling now that we have a majority, and when it gets here, we’ll get rid of that one too”