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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Was going to say that.


    One of the main skill a developer must have is being able to troubleshoot properly how their code behave.

    Break your code in small pieces, check all of them with unitary test (formal or not) to validate their behavior then move to the next step. Never test everything in one shot or you will be overwhelmed by side effect bugs whom will distract you from the real root cause.

    Being a programmer is not just coding but also testing and deploying (even locally).

    That won’t avoid you being blocked by a silly mistake for hours, everybody did that at some point in their career, but that will reduce your frustration against yourself when you discover why the bug existed.

    Do a pause, go walk, change the topic and the next time you look at your code, you will spot the obvious bug :-)

  • Polling has rules to follow to became valid in France. Their are laws that make sure the poll is fair and manipulations can’t apply, in the way questions are asked (neutral tone, full range of answer possible, etc) and where and to who, the minimal amount to have, the medium to use to receive the vote, etc…

    If you do that, you are what i call here a professional neutral poller.

    In this case, it’s not the case. How i know? Well, it’s an internet poll! So no way to really check the reality of people behind (nationality, age, etc).

    I put the officia text informing us than Internet poll can’t be used as real poll because you don’t have a representative sample of the population and result can be manipulated.

    Les enquêtes sur internet

    La commission a été saisie du problème des simulations de votes effectuées par certains journaux sur des panels d’internautes.

    Ce type d’enquête n’est pas mené auprès d’échantillons représentatifs de la population. Ils ne constituent donc pas des sondages au sens de la loi du 19 juillet 1977.

    Ces enquêtes doivent donc être accompagnées de précautions de présentation, appelant l’attention les lecteurs sur la prudence nécessaire à leur interprétation.

  • except if you compare it with windows 11.

    My Win11 was so bad (compared to Win10) than I’ve switched to ArchLinux. I’ve won around 10~20fps without doing anything particular (and also gain some better loading time as the nvme sequential access performance was much much better under linux).

  • In EU, we know the cost of any wars and the fact creating a new circle of violence doesn’t resolve anything.

    We don’t have one village without a monument commemorating the dead people from the past wars. Everybody have at least a family member who fight or died because of a war… Just go one or two generations in the past (in my case my grandmother lost 2 sisters in WW2, my grandfather was captured and sent in acamp for 2 years and managed to escape and walk back to south of France. My other grandfather family moved to France because of Franco repression in Spain, another cycle of violence…)

    All my ancestors have fought for the land i’m currently on during thousand of years… We have thousand of years of war history behind us… against germany, against the UK, against the whole EU at some point “thanks” to Napoleon, and i could go to the medieval time, or even before when we fighted against Rome… And you know what? I work everyday with Germans, British, Italian people… I didn’t kill them because they are not responsible of their leaders actions and country history…

    You prosecute the responsibles of an attack (in the worse case you sent a little squad to assassinate the leaders if they hide and plan to harm you again) BUT you don’t murder all the civilians around to achieve this result. This is madness and incompetence. And that create a new cycle of violence that your children will have to pay at some point…

  • Enoril@jlai.lutoLinux@lemmy.mlLinux Boomers
    9 months ago

    Totally useless “article”. You learn nothing, you have to navigate between poor writing with high usage of explectives. It’s like reading a 11 years-old rebel child blog.

    tdrl: he use Arch linux, boomers…

  • Comparing LA with Paris and saying is easier in Paris is quite a statement!

    • LA have large roads, grid configuration and a relative recent age: 250 years. And lot of people around.

    • Paris have 2000+ years of history with layers of people coming around too, no grid configuration but roads created for pedestrian and horses, with some of them existing since thousand of years. And we have a big river in the middle (la Seine), unstable basement with many caves making the creation of any subway a living hell. And on top a lot of historical buildings are protected making demolition for new road impossible.

    But despite that, we have good transportation alternatives on top of classic and totally full car roads: trains, subway, bus, cycle. Not perfect, lot of improvements still needed but things change, step by step… And people has been relocated multiple time to allow that. But it easier when the costs are payed by our global taxes and some LONG term plan. we have also the concept of public interest project to relocate people and businesses if they are in a place useful for a future transportation plan.

    In LA, i don't see the change really empowered at the political level, at town level. With large road like yours with no hard turn, you could put so many alternatives transportation:

    • rail track for tram or automatic train
    • dedicated bus line
    • bike protected line with tree separation in the middle and free ticket to encourage the use of public transportation.

    Does LA mayor / administrators promote this kind of alternatives? Because it's what all big towns in France are pushing since decade's already.