Most people would pick the “stay out” option.
Just a nerd who migrated from kbin(dot)social.
Most people would pick the “stay out” option.
Unfortunately, given that I’m in the NYC DMA, individual franchisees probably couldn’t afford to cut their prices in half, as much as that sucks to admit. Minimum wage here is $15.49 per hour, which is ridiculous. Utilities, insurance (both for the business and the workers), sanitation, taxes, rent, ongoing franchising fees, and material costs do add up. Plus, they’re not seeing the volume that they had been, due to a combination of people like me who aren’t going there and the fact that they’re open less hours (because reliable overnight labor is too expensive).
For me, McDonald’s is way too expensive for what it is anymore. I’m a little ways away from the $8.29 Big Mac, but not by too much. At my local grocery store, I could put together a better burger for significantly cheaper. That’s even if I buy premade patties, buns, and sauces, rather than make them from base ingredients. Buying pre-prepped veggies could get expensive though. They’d need to drop the cost by about 50% for them to reach a point consider to be value, which they can’t afford to do.
If they’re too expensive, stop giving them money. Make food at home or go to a local small business, not a chain franchisee.
Add in the overhead:
I wish I could agree they were making that much money. But when you include all the costs that they have to run just the soda machine, with all the varieties of soda that they have, they’re not clearing that much profit per cup.
Wife? What’s that? My Wi-Fi isn’t free, though.
Don’t be shocked when ninjas appear.
Commenting so that I remember to look it up, is reckfull a word? Or maybe reckful, knowing how English is weird about double 'l"s?
At least it’s not Windows?
I hope so. Maybe make it a class-action with all the independent creators and studios who had damages from this.
Yes, which is why we should make every one of those false positives cost an arm and a leg to the perpetrators.
My worry is that without a lawsuit or other action, we’ll keep seeing LLM slop companies taking down smaller websites for bogus reasons. This needs to be codified somehow that there were damages done to Itch’s earnings (and more importantly the earnings of the independent creators on the platform who should start a class-action suit), and that what Funko’s contracted LLM company did was wrong.
There’s financial damages, loss of profit, emotional distress, reputation loss, and more. We need to take action against these companies for their wrongdoing. So either they need to willingly pay up and have that payment be known and public, or they need to be made to pay by the courts.
So, how much is Funko or their “partner” going to willingly pay Itch for their lost income? Or is there going to have to be a lawsuit?
Heresy indeed. The Codex does not support this shell.
The ends always justify the means, if the end is to enrich yourself.
Crafters are definitely up there, overall - but I think wargamers might beat them. Hundreds to thousands of models, paints, brushes, terrain, carrying cases, books - it adds up to a hoard of epic proportions. That’s just personal experience though. Lego fans can also get to be out there, and TCG players.
Optimizing for anything but speed removes the primary factor humans will focus on for happiness in a transit situation.
I’ve missed Sodaplay and Sodaconstructor!
Okay, now solve for local transportation and create a single network that’s highly optimized for both long distance, medium distance, and last mile solutions. Bet you it looks like cargo trucks, buses, and road infrastructure.
I’d love to go somewhere genuinely warm right now. Normally it’s okay though.