Egon [they/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • Lots of assumptions on what would happen to Ukraine, and you are also implying that Ukraine is not an “authoritarian” (a word with no meaning) borderline oligarchy, so that’s fascinating.

    But yeah, even if these assumptions were true, then yeah I think it’s better for people not to die in an unwinnable war, than for people to die and then for the same thing to happen. I’m a big fan of people Not Dying actually.

  • Ye havn’t the wit of a barnacle! Ye be needin’ t’be pencil-whipped by one o’ them 8-legged creatures o’ the sea, fer ye can’t read worth a shit! You be nothing more than a putrid pile o’ dog dung lashed t’the dock and about as useful as tits on a bull! Ye be the lowest of the low, a wretched cretin fit only fer sailin’ in the bilges! Arrr! Yer a worthless lubber who knows nothing o’ navigation, and I’d be more than glad to see ye go overboard! This be yer last chance–stop yer foolishness and listen to someone wiser than yerself. Otherwise, ye be headed for a watery grave! Ye be the veriest of fuckwits, ye scurvy scumbag! Yer naught but a blithering, worthless excuse of a human being, too witless and ignorant to even decipher the rudiments of reading! Yer the kind of boneheaded cretin who couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with instructions printed on the heel! Shiver me timbers, but it’s true! All ye deserve is a swift kick in the arse and a swig of rum to drive away the last remnants of yer ignorant stench!

  • Dumbass, thou art an abomination unto the Lord! Thy ignorance is a repugnant stain upon the face of this Earth! Even the animals of the field have more knowledge than thou dost, for if thou hadst even a glimmer of understanding, you would understand the importance of reading. Instead, thou hast chosen to remain a dullard, a fool unenlightened by the power of the written word. May thy stupidity forever serve as a reminder to all of us that it is a sin to be ignorant.
    You, dumbass! You are a pit of ignorance, a quagmire of stupidity. Your head is filled with nothing but hay and your brain with dust. You are a blight on the face of intelligence and an insult to those who take the time to learn. You’re nothing more than a walking blight, an absolute disgrace to those who strive to know more and better themselves. You’re like a fungus that grows in the dark, a leech that lives off the knowledge of others. God help us all that we are cursed with your existence and that you remain a dense, ignorant, and lackadaisical fool.
    Dumbass, you have a head that’s empty as a black hole and an intellect that’s as profound as a puddle. Your life is a lie and a sham - a path that’s headed nowhere, like a rat sprinting in the sand. You are a useless creature, unable to read - a fool of the highest degree. You’re barely worth the dirt that your thick feet tread, and a burden on this world we’d all love to be free. Take your ignorance and be gone, far from us all - and may you and your lack of knowledge pestilence never again return.

  • Ah, Dumbass, the Bible speaks of thy foolishness, for it is written: “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” You, dear Dumbass, are like a child drowning in the deep end - oblivious to the impending danger. You don’t understand the power of the written word that could be the salvation you so desperately crave. So while I may not be able to change your ways, I can at least take solace in the knowledge that you will be forever doomed to a life of ignorance and stupidity.

  • O you wicked and foolish dumbass, you are a scourge upon this earth! Your ignorance and inability to read is an abomination to all that is good and pure. You have been dealt a hand of cards in this life and yet you fail to see the opportunity to educate yourself to succeed. What is even more damning is the fact that you have not even tried to improve yourself, instead you have chosen to remain in your pit of foolishness and are content to wallow in your own wickedness and wickedness of others! You are the bane of all intelligent and educated persons. May your teeth rot in your head and your eyes see only darkness in the realm of knowledge. May you be forever drowned in a sea of your own ignorance, and never see the light of success!

  • Geez…the Russians too are drafting folks. Conscription centers in Russia are firebombed. Your BS is kind of thick.

    I never said they weren’t? Nice whataboutsm. You’re saying the ukrainians want to fight, I show you they don’t, you imply I’m a bot, and you fail to engage with the argument.

    The Russians have not sought peace negotiations.

    So that was a fucking lie
    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

    No, I think Putin is a murderer, comrade. I think he’s a wanted for war crimes. I think he was so stupid that he thought this would take three days.

    Hey thanks for implying I’m a russian bot just because I disagree with you! Fuck you! Newsflash: People can disagree with you.
    I’ve never said he wasn’t a murderer or wanted for warcrimes (though if we’re being fair, every US president is wanted for war crimes in several countries as well.) I think a guy who leads a country as big as Russia is many things, but imagining he could move state apparatus on his own to invade another country based on a whim of his, and when this whim fails he would still be in power, is incredibly stupid. Had this been the case, then Prigozhins coup would have had support. Russias reasons for invading are many, boiling it down to “Putler bad lmao” is as stupid as it is naive.

    If you think he is specifically so evil, why aren’t you volunteering in Ukraine against him?

  • The Ukrainians could stop this war anytime they want, as could Putin.

    The ukrainians are being forcibly conscripted and banned from leaving the country. They do not want to fight. The russians have sought peace negotiations several times, NATO-members like the United Kingdom, have come and stopped these negotiations.

    Reality is the Russians invaded. They rejected world order.

    Ah yes, one day evil putler woke up and decided to invade, that’s what happened. He rejected our Good Guys Rules Based Order because he’s just such an evil dude.

  • I believe that degrading the army of one of the US greatest geopolitical world rivals at the cost of roughly 3% of the DoD budget is money well spent.

    I believe the 100.000s of dead ukrainians are more important than some vague US geopolitical goal.

    The Ukrainians are fighting this war for their own purpose, to reject tyrannical rule.

    The ukrainians are forcibly conscripted and banned from leaving their country. They do not want to fight.

    The US didn’t impose this war, 100,000 Russians invading did

    Yeah one day putler just woke up and felt like invading, that’s what happened.

    If you think this is such a good war, go volunteer.