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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • I can’t see the whole thread while replying so I can’t assume I’m talking to the same person as the time before, hence the third person. If that was always you then feel free to replace it with a second, as it was meant to be.

    There were no personal insults. Your post was silly. You may be a very nice person and probably very smart as well, but your post was still silly. There, second person used.

    What you said made zero sense, had no connection to reality, and was strongly reinforcing the cancer of contemporary democracy that is polarisation. Your content - not you - is very very bad.

    There is nothing wrong with it, everybody says stupid stuff from time to time - I do it too according to the amount of downvotes I got - but I take none of the disagreements with my contents as attacks on my person. I would encourage you to do the same.

  • No shit logical consistency is good and irrational behaviour is bad. Glad we agree.

    The thing is, who’s the judge on who is irrational and who is logic? It’s such a polarised society that we live in nowadays, whoever you ask will say that their faction is the only logical one while the “other” is a bunch of marauding orcs.

    Now this guy I replied to went and did the same trite “us logic, them stupid” take, accusing moderate people of some bad stuff as if that word meant anything, as if there was a “moderate” party that did anything concrete

    Not just that, when polarisation is gutting our democracy, this guy attacks moderates as if extremism was the only orthodoxy. Loony bin material.

    Far from me to be a both-side-er, I have my firm and very partisan convictions - but that has nothing to do with how silly the comment I replied to was.

  • That comment may have been in poor taste but that ain’t antisemitism friend.

    Jews normally have a strong sense of belonging and identity, and while a lot of Jews are opposed to the Israel government it’s not at all out of place for somebody with a clearly Jewish name to be biased towards the Jewish side of a conflict. You could be forgiven for thinking that.

    Change the context a little bit - this is now a story about the Falklands war and somebody named “Barry Bugglesworth” is strongly on the British side. Are you surprised?

    Now I’m not saying the guy was right. Generalising is inappropriate and generally not a sign of great intelligence, but it’s not antisemitism just because it’s targeted towards a Jewish person.

    Antisemitism is a powerful word, let’s not wear it out.