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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Quite a few actually. State background checks are actually more effective than the NICS system.

    So the solution is just to actually enforce existing gun laws?

    But this theory of gun laws must have existed for 200 years is ridiculous too.

    Not entirely sure what you're saying here, but I think you're saying that laws have to change with technology. And I agree. Nobody should privately own a nuclear weapon, ballistic missile, etc. That's just insane.

    But, there is a balance. For now at least, it's still a fact that a dedicated group of rebels with just semi-automatic weapons can wreak havoc on an organized military. Scale that up to a much larger part of the population and you're actually looking at a population that can overthrow a tyrannical government if necessary. So we have to ask what "societal sacrifices" are we willing to make in order to make sure we can prevent a dictator from taking over?

    And if you're going to hem and haw about "there is no compromise" or some bullshit like that… then answer this question. If it is abhorrent to even suggest that the right to own firearms is more important than 100% safety from mass shootings, then surely you support a complete surveillance state right? You probably have no idea just how easy it is to make explosives in America. It's frighteningly easy. Growing up, my friends and I made fuel air bombs and made liquid barium nitrate to create homebrew thermate out in the country. We were doing that just for fun as dumb teenagers with a knack for engineering and chemistry. Someone who's dedicated could do far, far worse.

    So, if you think that preventing any violence due to guns is more important than having the tools to overthrow a dictator… How far are you willing to go to stop all other forms of violence? 24/7 monitoring of all purchases made by Americans? Monitoring all of their conversations? Eager to hear your ideals and solutions.

  • We absolutely can stop this. Democrat leadership just doesn't fucking want to, for the same reason Republican leadership doesn't want to actually ban all abortion. It's a wedge issue. Solving this issue means it's harder for them to drum up voter support.

    I want to stop this, but anyone who thinks the solutions is laws like this doesn't actually care. You WILL NOT stop gun violence with these kinds of laws. We need to tackle the reasons behind the violence and put in place some actual fucking security at places that are common targets. If someone can shoot up a school, they can also bomb it, gas it, whatever. But you don't want to hear that, do you? You don't actually give a fuck about innocent children dying. You just want to virtue signal on the internet so you can show your friends how you "totally OWNED this debate".

    Grow up. Put some actual thought into how these issues can be solved instead of barfing out a thing you heard before.

  • Yep. Grew up in multiple fundamentalist Baptist churches. Every guy I knew who did this either had "slipped up" once, had developed an addiction, or had an intense fear of it.

    In my experience, most of them did it because of fear. They were super paranoid that letting their guard down for the briefest moment would cause them to destroy their lives and their families. I was even taught that I would basically be tempted to violate women at all times if they showed their skin; and that it would be their fault of course.

    It seems like there's broadly two types of fundamentalist churches. One where it's a hypocritical good old boys club, and the other is a place where everyone lives in constant fear of pissing off God and having their lives destroyed. "Did you hear X has cancer? I wonder they did to deserve that?" levels of fear. Grew up mostly in the latter. Though I think each church is at least a little bit of both.

  • Either you live under a rock, or you know exactly which party I'm talking about and you're being disingenuous right now. It's definitely the latter if you're here commenting on Lemmy.

    Being upset at someone for calling out a lesser evil for still being evil is exactly how nations get into situations like this. At best, the Democratic party is a brief relief from fascism. If we want to root it out, then we need to get actually strong leadership that is willing to crack down hard on fascism. It's good to have at least something being done now. But there's no debate that Trump is still getting it easier than he should be.

  • Oh, we're doing that now? Rejected by my family. Married to a bisexual. Trans. Have multiple genetic illnesses/disabilities. Long COVID. Pulled myself up by my own bootstraps.

    Anyways, I have worked in Muslim majority countries for projects and saw first-hand just what they're like.

    I absolutely despise and hate fundamentalist Baptists who follow their holy book to the letter. And you know what else? I also absolutely despise and hate Muslims who follow their holy book to the letter.

    Islam isn't a fucking ethnicity dipshit. It's a religion. Just like that Gospel Mission that didn't "take your kind".

    You know nothing about Islam. Nothing about Muslim countries. And then you go around and call people you don't even know homophobic for saying people with beliefs you don't even know are homophobic. I could link to videos that would get me banned of gay people being executed and tortured by Muslims.

    You're pathetic. The only positive thing you're doing today is you're someone for me to vent at and troll.

  • I'm sorry, what? My fucking "homophobia" for pointing out that people would be murdered for identifying as LGBTQ in a Muslim country?

    You know nothing of suffering and struggle, and I wouldn't want you to anyways. You have far more privilege and opportunity than others who came before you, despite the economic and social oppression we're facing today. You take your privilege and access to modern technology, and you use it to be a completely uninformed, uneducated bigot.

    People are thrown from rooftops in Muslim countries for being gay. And you have the fucking audacity to call me homophobic for pointing out that Muslims would kill LGBTQ people. You are every vile "snowflake" parody the rightwing says you are. You're a fucking disgrace. Grow up.