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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • FFS, I’m not actually advocating for eugenics.

    Perfect, then we’re on the same page. So in the future, when you don’t mean it, just don’t say it. The more civil we can keep the conversation, the more likely we are to have any kind of useful discussion and actual understanding.

    Also, this part:

    I’m saying those people are dumbfucks and probably spreading their dumbfuckery to their kids.

    That’s still doubling down on the previous statement… It’s not really more productive.

  • How exactly do you fight a terrorist organization who uses children as both soldiers and human shields without any sort of civilian casualties?

    Probably with more nuance than bombing entire neighborhoods…

    Seriously, there is absolutely no possible ethical excuse for what Israel is doing. Right now the IDF is pretty indistinguishable from the SS. Genocide is genocide and Israel has come all the way from victim to perpetrator. The irony and reality of it is making the rest of the world sick, the only question is, why isn’t it doing the same to the people of Israel?

  • So you’re doubling down? You do know what other people are thinking? Must be nice.

    My entire point was that it doesn’t make sense to judge someone for something they absolutely didn’t say.

    Feel free to judge them on things they have said, that’s fine. And musk has in fact said and done a bunch of awful things, which is exactly why you just don’t need to make shit up.

    Edit: Hey look, I’m not expecting you to agree with me (this is the Internet, people don’t just change their minds), so I’m just going to drop it.

  • Well, I can tell you for sure they aren’t foot rests… There’s 2 reasons for that, first, the crew dragon capsule that actually carries people isn’t left to burn up in reentry, it renters, deploys parachutes and it’s recovered (preferably with astronauts). The second reason is that the dragon doesn’t use that kind of foot rest dragon capsule interior.

    The pieces look to me like they’re all part of the fairing. This makes some sense because the fairing has to walk a very fine line. It’s whole job is to protect the payload and not burn up in ascent, but then it’s supposed to totally burn up on descent. In practice, it doesn’t always work out that way.

    Also in the photo, look at all that gross looking black fiber coming off of it. I think that’s all partially burned carbon fiber composite. I know the fairing is made of carbon fiber, so that fits pretty well.

    As for rocket launch timing, spaceX launches almost twice a week. If this is from a fairing, it could be from almost any of those launches (excluding the manned missions, because they don’t use a fairing).