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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • I mean, if I’m dating a girl (I’m married now, and not looking to change that) I’d be curious about her pussy resume.

    More so to know if they carry any sort of VD. Mutual STD testing should be more common, in my mind. Doesn’t help for drunk hook-ups, but if you’re looking to get into a real relationship, I feel it should be more normalized.

    People don’t get tested enough, I’ve been safe, but I should have been in a mutual testing situation in the past. Nothing happened to my dick, but this girl got around - I found out later. Wouldn’t have minded as much if I knew she had a clean bill of health, but that was never ascertained.

    To people worrying, I got a vasectomy at 24. The incision site and the rest of my genitals got infected. They tested for STDs first (I was clean) and it was just was a general wound infection that took antibiotics. But the fear, man, the fear.

  • Not to mention, it is entirely possible to get home from work, play, and then realize you are now late for work.

    Its just engaging on a level that most modern game’s can’t hope to achieve.

    Hell, I’ve installed a game (old), then installed mods, then resolved all the mod issues, then launch it to realize I don’t actually want to play it.

    Factorio? Mods are easy, and vanilla is enough to keep someone occupied and happy if they lack internet or something.

    Its light weight too, it costs me virtually nothing to install it on anything that can run it.

  • Honestly, I pay for top of line parts. I realize I’m limitiing myself on good games, but…

    I paid for this shit, I try to keep top of the line because it is still my hobby (though, my time doesn’t allow anymore) and I want to push my hardware.

    Low bit games, however good, don’t get a chance because… god damn, I expect better. I’m a 80s baby, and 90s kid. Nickelodeon early nick toons are my jam.

    I paid for it, let me experience it.

    I want to PUSH my hardware, and fine tune for play-ability, as expenses allow.

    That being said, I love MMOs and realize how hard they can be to “upgrade” for all users… but damn, I don’t have the time or energy anymore. I wish I could raid EQ bosses like I was 13 on summer break, but I fucking can’t.

    At the end of the day, I hope creative minds create new paradigms in gaming with limited resources. At this point, it is the only way we will grow. AAA studios make rehashes of former successes, which fail, and no one wants them. Gameplay has died, its been several years, and as an “old-head” (Quest for Glory 1 was my first PC game, with parser prompts) and I miss games. Even those are simple by today’s standard - but they still stand up in a shorter format.

  • Lived next door to a cop, and down the street from another while growing up.

    My dad, who only went with his father, trained more often and more rigorously then they did. How do I know? Cops talk a lotta shit, and their kids are sick of fascism already. This was only up until like 6th grade even.

    Cop down the street was known for beating his wife, and was probably dirty as hell with the drive by attempt. Thankfully none of the kids were hurt. No one else was either, but even then I wouldn’t have shed a tear for a pig.