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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2023


  • We basically are. The only good news is that young conservatives believe in and want to do something about climate change, so when the current crop of oil-funded deniers die off, we have some hope to limit the damage. That said, I’m seriously considering moving up north away north as far away from the equator as possible, and to an area with fresh water and farmland.

    Then buying a gun. Never thought I’d need one after I left the Army, but as things get worse, I suspect that more violence will result due to scarcity and more likely: stress related to perceived scarcity that doesn’t exist. It’s always the fear that’s more dangerous than the reality. We can probably get by with easy to grow, nutrient-dense foods that are boring to eat, like beans. It’s the stress of not being able to eat “tasty” food that’ll probably get people to snap. Gunfights over steak, etc.

  • Not surprising, but disappointing. The premise was interesting (first person magic shooter) but the execution was tepid. The presentation / atmosphere, the generic graphics, the dopey dialogue, the lack of an interesting story. A lot of the success of games like Halo is how the world sucks you in with its atmosphere and storyline, I think developers really underestimate how much that matters in a single player game. Cinematogrophy is important, the feel of an experience is more than the simple gameplay of moving a character around and pushing buttons.

  • Honestly, while I don’t like what these guys do. I definitely think they have some mental illness issues that should be treated, and some of them may be neurodivergent or have some physical issues with their brains or bodies that might make them unhinged that could be possibly treated with medication.

    Dead serious here. People this bad generally have been abused / brainwashed when they were young, and some of them seem to have certain disabilities. Not saying they don’t act like total trash, just that there’s probably reasons behind it for at least some of these people. Plus, nowadays there are online cults waiting to pick them up and brainwash them when they’re vulnerable. Used to be you had to go in person to a cult in the past.

  • I doubt the title of this article very much. Ukraine is getting F-16’s and probably JAS-39 Gripens very soon. Offensives and counteroffensives have to be slow and methodical by nature against entrenched forces, otherwise you’ll take massive losses for very little gains.

    Ukraine is on its way to gaining air superiority, and more vehicles and air defense is coming into their forces every month, and the longer this conflict lasts, the more likely it is that they’ll gain more advantages over Russia as the sanctions keep draining them.

    The lack of air superiority is hampering what Ukraine can do, and once that issue’s settled, I think we’ll start seeing more steady progress. Plus in the wide world, Japans and South Korea are settling their differences over WW2 and will probably keep cooperating, and part of that will be to send more stuff to Ukraine in order to help win there so they don’t have to fight WW3 with China over Taiwan.

    It’s not just the West that supports Ukraine, it’s also the Democratic parts of Asia.

  • Agree. Even recently, I would have up to 5-6 cans worth myself (have since cut down a lot), but alongside the financial cost, there’s also the acid eating away at your stomach lining and the excess caffeine to worry about alongside the Aspartame.

    Frankly, given the stomach issues and acid reflux that too much soda can give you, I would imagine that people (even sodaholics) would have to stop much sooner than 20 due to all the other issues involved with sodas before the problems with Aspartame would even come into the picture.

    Not to say that I’m not leery of Aspartame, but diet Soda has other major issues beside it.

  • To be fair, it’s one of the old school Republicans that would cross the aisle and vote for something Democrats made that are now Extinct in modern Politics. They died with John McCain, honestly. Better Manchin than Sinema or an actual modern Republican.

    If I had to vote in 5-10 more Joe Manchin style “Democrats” to kick the same number of Republicans out of office in Red States, I would. Especially if it gave us 60 Democrats and the ability to have a filibuster-proof majority. Even if they were like “Immigrants are bad” or “All guns are good” or “We have to stop being woke about gays and trans and pronouns.” or whatever, as long as they weren’t all of that at once (and preferably only ONE of those at once) I’d vote them in, so long as they voted to do something about climate change, and also hopefully to reform the economy so all the money and power’s not in the hands of the big megacorps and billionaires.

    People won’t stop being stupid and bigoted, so we have to take the wins we can. Everyone complains that Republicans keep trotting out “God, Guns, and Gays” every time they campaign, but what they’re not addressing is that Republicans keep WINNING with the 3 G’s and also immigration. They hold the house and have enough of the senate to filibuster everything. They’ve also used their control of the house and senate (and Presidency, when they have it) to pack the Supreme Court too.

    I honestly want Democrats and liberal ideological purists to start being realistic now that the world is burning down around us and see that we’ve run out of time and need to start winning now, or else we won’t have a future. The fact that young Republicans believe in and want to do something about climate change is also a good thing. Reality is about power and consensus, it’s not about ideals.

  • I don’t know about this case and this school, but in stricter Christian private schools, the men get kicked out too. One of my high school teachers was a principal at a Christian private school, and he got kicked out because his wife cheated on him.

    He didn’t cheat on her or get anyone pregnant, she did while he was overworked at that school, but that was somehow a scandal / shame that reflected poorly on him and the school, so he was fired. Most “Christian” institutions are hypocritical pieces of shit that don’t follow their own rules or apply them selectively, but others follow their laws to the letter.

    Not that those places are good either, they just enforce their standards. To be fair, those places tend to note be affiliated with Republicans, which kill everything they touch and is the major reason I left the church.

  • I’ll probably transition my AMD 8350 build over to Linux when Win10 stops being supported. As opposed to my mom’s FX-8370 build, which I’ll probably just have to replace with a new Windows 11 system, as there’s no way I’m expecting her (an elderly woman) to learn anything other than Windows. Especially since she’s reliant on Windows-only apps.

    The actual hardware she’s using will probably be converted to a Linux Desktop, but I’ll have to migrate her data to a new mini Windows 11 PC or something.

  • Yep, the people who marketed Katanas and Samurai were straight up liars. It was eye-opening to see how much they were shilling. It was the old equivalent of “clickbait” back then, and definitely fake news. I remember reading that they only folded the metal something like 10 times usually because folding it too much would just make the sword brittle.

    I was also surprised that Katanas weren’t that strong and couldn’t really be used to block and might snap if used against bone too many times. And could be stopped by stuff like thick wooden armor. It’s why Samurai didn’t carry handheld shields. Since Katanas couldn’t penetrate their armor, they just used parts of the armor to block.

    Then again, most swords weren’t useful against strong armor. That’s what spears and hammers / maces were for. The more I learn, the more I realize medieval fantasy (and historical fiction) tropes are so incredibly wrong.