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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 19th, 2024


  • I know it’s doable in general because I’ve done it in an enterprise environment, just seems to be a real pain in the ass at the consumer level which is not surprising, it’s a weird use case.

    Where I work we have a system that kind of combines a proxy and a solution that approximates the same functionality as a VPN, and it’s all in one cohesive package. I know my first stop will have to be some sort of proxy, but my ideal is basically just a friendlier UI to manage it and for whatever proxy or proxy-like solution to include tunneling options out of the box.

    It’s a complicated ask, but I feel like it’s becoming more useful. Supposedly, Squid can do it with a few extra pieces and that might end up being the solution.

  • Germany and to a lesser extent Italy were supplying a significant portion as well and it’s likely others would step up if they pulled out. Probably with worse prices and worse hardware, but we’re not at risk globally of running out of places to buy weapons. It’s horrible what is happening to Palestinian civilians in gaza, but in the end, the US armament supplies aren’t strictly required to enable Israel.

  • I definitely support that we’ve pushed this show out of the forefront, but this is where a lot of the arguments for the flag as a ‘symbol of southern pride’ come from. It’s a weird argument, and it is definitely not a fair one, but there’s very fond associations in the south with that car even from people who had no clue where the flag came from. Super successful attempt to help the confederate flag be seen as acceptable, whether on purpose or not.

    It’s a weird show too for someone who isn’t from the south… Racial diversity is non-existent in the show, but that’s also pretty accurate for its location… It had some awesome car scenes, but no depth. The only hot take in the show beyond the flag painted on top (which wasn’t even a hot take then) was that the government was widely seen as corrupt and it was more than a bit sexist.