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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • As someone who worked for Activision, in QA, on major CoD titles, I guarantee you that wasn’t QAs fault.

    I can’t even count the amount of bugs my team found, documented, and raised a hell of a stink about, that still went live.

    Major bugs like that in live are not due to QA missing them. It’s due to the rediculous pace ATVI makes the team put out content. Doesn’t matter if QA reports something, if the devs are not given the time needed to fix it.


  • It’s nearly impossible to follow the rules when they are specifically being hidden. No one can keep track of every single rule off the top of their head. That’s why we have things like speed limit signs or no parking signs. Hours of operation for a business clearly posted. Etc.

    This law is the equivalent of a road going from 55mph to 35mph, but never telling you with a speed limit sign. Then you get pulled over for speeding because the cop knows it’s 35, but fuck you, go to jail, because you expected there to be a speed limit sign when the speed changed, you know. Like on every other road ever.

    The fact that there are 33 pages of outlined rules for this when applying says they intentionally put those rules together so people would follow them. It’s not fair for me to know some obscure rule is missing from the 33 pages of rules specifically supplied for me to follow. That is called deception.

    They set an expectation by supplying 33 pages of rules. “Here are all the rules” by leaving one out, you’re intentionally trying to fuck people up with it.

    Then there being no place to even put a previous name on the form is just fuckery on top.

    “Sorry you wrote you previous name on a part of the paper that wasn’t designated for that, so now we have to disqualify you for following the law. Sorry, it’s just the law /shrug”