Creator of LULs (a script which helps links to point to your instance)

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  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • A repetition of the truth is always valuable. Not everyone fully understands how broken our society is. Even if just 0.1% read the comment and understand something new, it was valuable. Even if it’s just a reminder, it was valuable.

    On the other hand, your comment is not valuable 100% of the time. Complaining about something generally true being there, which you could just ignore if you already know it, is absolutely useless. In fact, it’s even negative value, because if your complaint was followed and someone came to the thread without the knowledge, they’d be denied an opportunity to learn.

  • Honestly I can’t see why you’d choose average, non-wealthy. If you want quiet and peaceful, you’re sure to get it when wealthy, just pay for a large residence and security on the outskirts, then stay inside. Use disguises/body doubles when going out. Except for a little organizational overhead, which you can also pay people to do for you, you can have everything you want when you’re famous and wealthy.

  • It’s definitely not accidental. Ghosting simply doesn’t happen if someone is truly interested romantically. They might be like “this guy’s nice” and be accidentally ghosting, but in that case it’s not a good romantic relationship anyway. If it’s “this guy’s so hot/amazing”, accidental ghosting will not happen, because the thoughts will be occupied in trying to be with the guy.

  • This book contains the latest research of what makes a man attractive to a woman:

    It’s pretty high-level, but important knowledge nonetheless. All of it is true in my experience.

    I mean, I guess it’ll come to me.

    However, this is an incredibly important mindset, if it means what I think it means. You have to truly be ok with being alone for the rest of your life. Just do whatever gives you most pleasure/fulfillment and talk to girls wherever you see them incidentally. Just go about your life, put yourself in situations that you like where other people exist, and strike up conversations.

    It’s completely ok to talk to someone at the supermarket, on the street, wherever. Many women fantasize about it in a romantic way. Many women obviously want to be left alone. You have to calibrate your empathy and figure out who is interested or not. But you are allowed to approach and state your interest. Just “dont be creepy”™

  • Not really though? Non-existence of anything is the default. Existence of something puts the burden of proof on whoever claims this something exists. “Quantum mechanics” is a bad example, it’s a set of theories, not a single theory (like “a god exists”). Depending on what is being claimed, you can easily show people papers, such as this one which shows experimental observable proof of principles of quantum theory.

    At one point, quantum mechanics didn’t exist and wasn’t generally accepted. Physicists like Heisenberg took upon them the burden of proof and provided it.

    General acceptance is how it is treated since then, by non-physicists, but it is simply possible to follow the proof of it if you really wanted to. There are experiments that have been performed and that can be performed again that create observable evidence of the principles of quantum mechanics.

    The burden of proof still lies on proponents of quantum mechanics. What you’re talking about is more of a societal shortcut, accepting that the burden of proof has been verified by other people, not by yourself, as it’s impossible to go deep enough into every subject to actually verify every proof you come across. That’s why specialization exists.

    The difference is that 99% of physicists confirm the proof of quantum mechanics. Specialists on religion are all very much divided on which god(s) or whether at all one exists, and no proof exists for any religious theories.