Awoo [she/her]


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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020

  • Absolutely nobody has said that except you.

    Very typical lib talking point though. What socialist spaces do you get your news and information from? Any at all? Or do you just immerse yourself in liberal spaces then end up repeating everything they say and wonder why socialists all call you a liberal? Serious question btw. What socialist media and socialist spaces do you actually participate in and follow? How can you possibly consider yourself to have gotten rid of the liberal brainworms you’ve had your entire life if you continue to immerse yourself within the liberal superstructure?

  • I thought renewables were cheaper than coal. How is this possible?

    Renewables are cheaper than coal.

    What you’ve misunderstood about capitalism is it’s not the thing that is cheapest that gets investment. The investment goes to the thing that gives you the highest ROI, return on investment.

    If it produces a better ROI per square meter, it gets the investment.

    The problem is capitalism.

  • Most communists have a general understanding that the way Iran is today is in fact America’s fault

    I’m not sure what I said differently here, I was referring to the historical events of US backed revolution and bombings that led to the existing Iran when I wrote the above. Modern Iran exists because America wanted to stop us socialists from getting power there. Everyone on this website should remind themselves of this when they see anticommunists screaming about “tankies”. Anticommunism leads to backing the far right consistently throughout history.

  • In various circumstances critical support of problematic governments is support of the people when harm to their state by outside actors will bring harm to those people. Most communists have a general understanding that the way Iran is today is in fact America’s fault and that the change it needs won’t come from outside of it, particularly when the people using various problems as a political weapon do not have the improvement of the lives of the people as their goal but instead various other geopolitical and resource interests.

    The most recent historical example of this would be Syria, with Libya a close second and Iraq a close third. All of which are objectively worse off thanks to western interventionism.

    You can and should oppose interventionism and outside actors fucking with the situation there if you do care about the people, while also not defending the theocracy and support real local political movements for change (ie the ones not funded by NED or various other cia or nato affiliated intermediaries).

  • Yeah because you’re from hexbear and I don’t trust you to engage in good faith

    Aight I stopped reading right here.

    If you don’t think my response was in good faith, I won’t participate. Eat my ass. Don’t waste my fucking time.

    You’re a white nationalist, just like the other user. Which completely explains your desire to defend white western countries. You don’t realise it but these are unexamined brainworms that you should absolutely do self-crit over. This emotional reaction you have to leap to the defence of the west and attack any claim that somewhere outside of it is better is at its source white western nationalism. And yes it makes you a lib, especially when it one country is demonstrably committing genocide against us while the other is not yet you still leap to its defence and to attack the other.

  • Why is it that liberals only source is wikipedia??? Please read other things.

    China is expanding clinics for trans people. Notably for trans children, who it built its first clinic for in 2021 and has built a further 8 since.

    This alone makes them incomparable to the UK, where the children’s clinics have been institutionally attacked and set back for the last 5 to 10 years. There is an enormous difference between a state actively stepping up their transgender healthcare accessibility vs a state rolling it back.

    People claiming China is much better on this than the US and the UK are wrong

    Says the person whose entire fucking understanding of the matter was gained from wikipedia 5 seconds before making this comment. Jesus fucking christ.

    The UK in particular, most of the transphobia I experience is from institutions and media rather than “on the ground” (though this def. happens too), and the way the government is going with using us as a scapegoat is very concerning. But the - for now - lower amount of control over communications means I got started on DIY HRT pretty simply and pushed my way through the “official” system.

    I want you to read this then try to imagine it being written by the terfs destroying our lives at the BBC or Guardian.

    China is doing us right. Our countries are not.

    but fuck me if the dems aren’t spineless at opposing this stuff or (as can be seen in the op) sometimes support this.

    They’re not spineless you naive idiot. They see us as a tool, they don’t give a fuck about us other than for pretending they’re good and wielding as an electoral weapon to say “look trans people will die if you don’t vote for us”. Actually helping us would mean they need to find something else, so they don’t.

    false idea that China is communist

    China is a socialist state building towards communism. Your inability to understand this is a personal failure to understand it, not a failure of theirs.

  • Hexbear smoothbrains are happy that daddy Putin murdered a political rival.

    This nonsense is like screaming that Charles Dickens writes books about scifi robots in space. It just demonstrates that you’ve completely failed to do even the most basic level of effort to understand what the actual beliefs of anyone on Hexbear are. You just completely make up your own reality based on some cartoon you have in your head.

    Like seriously, go and talk to people first before stating such wrong things so matter of factly.

  • censoring

    The point isn’t about censorship which for the record here was performed by Disney for the sake of more profit. Not by the state.

    their internet

    Nothing about this comment string was about the internet. This is a non-sequitur.

    you’re a trans person who lives in the UK, BBC doesn’t have trans personalities, and certain US politicians are attacking trans rights? Wow, what an argument.

    The point here is that it is demonstrably obvious to trans people living in the US and UK that China is better to us than the US and the UK, one of which is currently performing a genocide against us and the other of which is transphobic on a near daily basis and is expected by the community here to follow in the US’ footsteps if it gets the chance.

    Also I’m racist for pointing out authoritarianism from an authoritarian government?

    You didn’t say a damn thing about that. You dismissed an argument about China being better about trans people than multiple major western governments. I gave concrete examples of why that is, and only now are you bringing out “muh authoritarianism”, which frankly I don’t give a shit about compared to the ongoing real genocide of trans people the US is doing.

    It is painful talking to you morons when you can’t even remember what you fucking said, or be bothered to go back and check it. But yes I am calling you a racist because you clearly have different standards for white countries than you do for non-white ones.

  • I’m trans. No it isn’t.

    Claiming that China is actively repressing this while literally employing and front-facing transgender people is absurd. Where are the famous transgender TV personalities employed by the BBC? Britain’s state owned media.

    China is visibly trying to improve things for trans people compared to the country I’m currently in (the UK) and your absurdness about it is obviously built on racism because you don’t behave this way about white countries. You only behave this way about non-white countries. Where is your equal criticism? Where is this behaviour when it’s all the white countries that behave this way? You’re american right? Where is it for YOUR country which is currently illegalising trans people, undergoing state sanctioned murder against trans people and having an internal refugee crisis because of it. Where the fuck are the federal protections to prevent this genocide being perpetrated by red states? Non existent. Because democrat support for trans people is performative.

    So excuse me but fuck off about criticising China on trans people. You’re a shit.

  • We all do, there’s definitely a faction within it that’s pretty good but the top is dogshit. They wouldn’t win if Putin was killed though, political assassinations tend to boost support for the parties that receive them, only really worthwhile when it would hurt a party organisationally such as small parties where one person can be very critical. But that’s not happening with any massive party.