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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Tl;dr: I asked a girl out :)

    I met a girl in a flight and thought we got along well, but she was only in a layover flight while I was in the last flight of my trip. Still, we kept in touch, and she’s apparently coming to my city for a few days in two weeks.

    So I did something I had never done before (even though I’ve been in a few relationships before) and asked her out! She said “maybe” (her trip was already planned and she is busy and staying with some friends, she seemed genuinely sorry) so in two weeks I may have a date :)

  • Everyone is saying that the meme makes no sense but it’s totally me… And it’s not even a question of her being “out of my league” in my case. I just find (or make up…) a reason to swipe left. Usually channeling my inner social Marie Kondo and saying “this one does not spark joy”. I was swiping right on under 6% of profiles I saw (I asked for my stats before leaving Tinder)

    It meant that over a period of one month of using Tinder, I only got a single match. This did not help my self esteem at all (despite being a problem of my own making!) so I decided to just quit Tinder for now. In reality, my unreasonable selectivity is just a symptom that I’m not ready to date right now. My plan is to keep healing (I’m in therapy too) and eventually return to the world of dating apps, this time with a different mindset.

  • I wasn’t killed by a trampoline, but last year I went to a trampoline park with some friends and my back started randomly hurting.

    A month later, still in pain, I decide to get it checked by a doctor and turns out my back was broken. Fun! I had to get surgery and now I have cement in my back.

    It was so weird (I’m young and healthy) that my doctors seriously considered it might be cancer. But I’ve done tests and it wasn’t cancer, just trampolines.

    Be careful!