• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I don’t mean it that literally. I mean just observing swaths of people putting straws into drinks, putting ointments on scrapes, etc might make them extrapolate and try similar actions using what’s available to them.

    It’s not much of a reach for a primate seeing a human manipulate and dig with a shovel, and use that as inspiration to manipulate a bamboo shoot to scratch their own back.

    We homosapiens spent 180,000 ish years wandering around in the dirt like idiots before it occurred to some of us that we could grow food in one place, thus beginning the path to civilization. Even we need examples to extrapolate from.

  • He knows what Republican voters want: cruelty.

    Republican voters haven’t given shit 1 about governance since I’ve been alive. They don’t believe in society, and believe everything they have was in no way facilitated by the society they live in or the government that maintains it. Remember how psycho the voters went when Obama simply pointed out that entrepreneurs rely on national infrastructure and wouldn’t have made their business empires what they were in a vacuum without said infrastructure?

    Donald Trump became president on the same philosophy of cruelty plans first and only. The closest Republicans get to running on a policy position is promising to “drown the government in a bathtub.” Psychotic enough for you?

    Republican derps gotta herp.

  • It’s not democracy, but pay for play, hush money, and an overall culture of bribery is more American than apple pie ever was.

    The prominence of Trump is just a symptom of America’s long running greed disease of putting capital miles above people.

    If we had altered our economy and culture not to worship at the alter of sociopathic avarice and reckless growth/metastasis, Donald Trump would have gone to jail before he was a game show host, let alone POTUS.

    I’m voting for Biden to keep my conscience clean but without hope, because the sad truth is, Donald Trump absolutely represents what America is in all it’s grotesque, sociopathic, schadenfreude reveling, toxic hyper-individualistic, inhuman glory.

    He’s like a cartoon embodiment of who we actually are as a society in practice, and why I can’t stand this place, a nepo-wealth bully obsessed with wealth hoarding that’s got his, knows that means he makes the rules, and fuck you 🇺🇸

  • I agree with the sentiment of fuck these people, but unfortunately that term lost all meaning a long time ago.

    It can mean everything from this to 9/11 to protesting without a permit and disrupting local traffic and commerce to hyperbole in partisan disagreement to anything our government doesn’t like from any other entity to literally any revolution including our founding one.

    Terrorism might as well be a synonym for yelling “booooooo!” at something, it doesn’t mean anything anymore, at least colloquially.

    In the rarely used in public discourse academic, definitional sense, no these people wouldn’t qualify.