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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Now instead of just querying the goddamn database, a one line fucking SQL statement, I have to deal with the user team

    Exactly, you understand very well the purpose of microservices. You can submit a patch if you need that feature now.

    Funnily enough I’m the technical lead of the team that handles the user service in an insurance company.

    Due to direct access to our data without consulting us, we’re getting legal issues as people were using addresses to guess where people lived instead of using our endpoints.

    I guess some people really hate the validation that service layers have.

  • As long as the demographic chart of Palestinians murdered by the IDF looks like the actual Palestinian population demographic (1/3 women, 1/3 kids) it’s safe to assume that there is absolutely no real targeting taking place.

    Yes, there is a bump if you look at the Hamas fighting population demographics but it is a minority. The large majority of people killed in this war are civilians there is no doubt about that. I was denying the 1:100 figure. For example Hamas has 1\3 of female victims, yet have a 1:4 casualty rate.

    Netanyahu literally said publicly that he saw wants to kill all Palestinians including the women and children and his deeds match his words.

    No he didn’t and you know it. Why lie ?

    Some senior Hamas executives have had such a discourse for Jews before being very softly reprimanded by Hamas but no executive from the Israeli government. There have been plenty of dog whistles, but they are not stupid enough to say it literally.

    Edit : I didn’t realize it but you were the person calling for the massacre of civilians in an earlier comment. Explains why you would lie, you need to dehumanise your enemy. I’m not spending more energy on this. You’re too far gone.

  • Where did I say that one side didn’t want to genocide the other ? Hamas is more public about it and won’t even try to justify their civilian killings, but Netanhyu government has made it clear again and again that they are willing to do collective punishment. The high civilian death rate is of course intentional.

    Hamas has also killed plenty of civilians, and they don’t even try to pretend that it was accidental. That said you are close to their ratio which is three civilians for every military death.

    Israel’s civilian deaths to militant deaths is probably higher due to the usage of bombs (10 civilian deaths per explosion) and intentional starvation but it isn’t 100:1.

    Hamas’ strategy of hiding behind civilians is also a war crime since it obviously increases the number of civilians killed.

    If you believe Israeli propaganda, they have killed 5000 Hamas militants. Reality is probably smaller than that, but since Hamas intentionally doesn’t publish their militant casualties we won’t have a good estimation. That said 500 Israeli soldiers have died and seeing the asymmetry in warfare, you can expect much more Hamas militants to have died. I have not been able to find an estimate from an independent source.

  • Well yes ? How else would you want to do this. I just gave you an example of a senior Hamas officer saying kill all Jews and Hamas saying they do not agree.

    I have no doubt Hamas leadership is a bunch of genocidal maniacs but their official stance has been in the past the forceful displacement and nowadays it’s the return to pre 1967 borders. They are ready to admit to the existence of Israel, not by pleasure mind you, but their official stance nowadays is that they are partially open to a two state solution if the right to return is put in place.

    This might be a bunch of lies, but it is their official position.