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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023

  • To give the most simple and likely reason is just so that there are a restricted set of levels. Adding a “freeplay” mode that can generate random maps is not part of the plan because that would make the regular levels look less desirable. There is also many odd quirks available with special rules. It’s not just because they did not think about generating random maps for those who finished the game. It is so that they can keep control over the game in a way that players are kept playing longer without risking burnout. They don’t want to make the game become a chore but rather a daily task/quest. Spending money to read the last level faster by getting more energy and whatnot is just a plus for them. They know that sunk cost feeling will keep those kinds of players coming back. If not, then it was unlikely the infinite freeplay would.

  • Hey, I’m autistic! I notice that if I don’t follow the group’s current propaganda fueled nonsense, I am seen as an outsider and hated for asking those hard-hitting questions. Eventually, they think I’m “inflexible” or “will not change my mind” and then say i am “supporting the other guy” or whatever. Like what is wrong with playing with a little of devils advocate to get the full picture. Sheesh

  • Yes, but I usually add my public key to the authorized_keys file and turn off password authentication once i do login with a password. On top of that, I have a sshpass one line command that takes care of this for me. It’s much easier than trying to manually type a password for the next time. I save it and just run it every time I think about using password login. Next time I need to ssh, I know the password login is not necessary.

    sshpass -p ‘PASSWORD’ ssh USER@IP.ADDRESS “echo ‘`cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`’ > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys && echo ‘Match User !root
    PasswordAuthentication no
    Match all’ > /etc/ssh/sshd_config’ && exit” && ssh USER@IP.ADDRESS

    At the next reboot, your system will now only accept key logins, except for root. I hope the root user password is secure. I don’t require it for root because if a hacker does gain shell access, a password(or priv esc exploit) is all they need to gain root shell. It is also a safety net in case you need to login and lost your private key.

  • Yes, but people forget about this often and still have social stigma against thrash men. Good luck saving lives by moving the thrash to a giant pile called the landfill(or thrash dump). Can’t save lives without engineers building the tools. Can’t save lives without funding. Can’t save lives without everyone involved. Yet it’s doctors that get idolized as if it’s the perfect and only right path in life.

  • It’s a complex subject. Have to break it down to smaller pieces.

    Being a doctor is glorified because there are huge benefits attached. Especially when you think about the benefits for the people around them, such as family and friends. Not to mention the fact that sounding smart can make others feel inadequate in a doctor’s presence. Knowing you are a doctor means that you know how difficult it was to reach it. However, as you mentioned, it is not as beneficial for the individual. Instead, it is beneficial for society, friends, immediate family, and the rich people. Rich people are more emotionally invested to save their ass than leaving an area that got more dirty, bad food, poor service, or painless transaction. With a doctor, he is the only one who you can rely on to save your ass. So no shitting on those jobs makes no sense, but it does make more sense why some are not getting anyone talking shit about. It’s a different extreme, one where there is a lack of shitting on a doctor vs. other jobs.

  • Some claim to have stripped Robertson screws but to be fair, the metal used and amount of torque the peson applies is the biggest reason for problems.

    Phillips heads were supposed to solve the over torquing problem, but everyone didn’t listen to standard specifications and didn’t bother using them as they were meant to be made and used. The Philips head was supposed to slip once the correct torque was applied. Unfortunately, this positive benefit became a negative. With poor metals and a mismatched driver bit to screw head along with not using the screw head that was meant for the specified torque demands, the Phillips screw became known for stripping.

    Trying to implement non overtorquing feature to the square bit and you will find how similar it will look to the Phillips head.

    Right now, Torx is the best at not stripping, but good luck if the screw is overtorqued. Eventually, the cheap metal gives out with the screw head, or bit, snapping off.

  • Another forgotten factor is the higher amount of carb(even if the ratio of carbs vs. protein and fats are similar) has also contributed to lower T levels. Albeit not as dramatically, but every little factor is adding up. More T levels are not gonna hurt you(or reduce testicle size) if other biological systems and genetics can take in higher T levels.