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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I agree I just meant they use all their power against any socialist movements both domestic and abroad I used the term won’t let it happen as in won’t let it happen on their watch as they have largely been alowed to rule unopposed for over a century but it seems that from one generation to the next they have taken more and more from those at the bottom and it seems that they’re reaching the tipping point where their tower is starting to crumble. ✌️

  • See you are still mistaken the owner and worker in your example are the same person where as in many big businesses they are two distinct groups, with the smaller (in proportion of people) owner class having most of the leverage in negotiations. To the owner if they employ others the wages they pay are a cost to their profits, with the farmer he is also his worker so his overhead beyond his operating costs is his “wage”. Both have operation costs like buying raw materials rent/taxes on properties, machine operation/repair costs. Profits are a cost that employees pay to the owners if you want my opinion on it. There’s an argument that the owners deserve some portion of this but at the moment profits are put over people because the leverage like I said earlier is in the hands of the owner class.